Toronto Star

Liberals alter controvers­ial Tory policy

Women’s advocacy groups eligible for federal funding


OTTAWA— Status of Women Canada will soon allow groups advocating for women and girls to receive federal project funding, reversing a controvers­ial policy the previous Conservati­ve government brought in nearly a decade ago.

“Our women have told us over and over that’s what they need — an advocate,” said Dawn Lavell-Harvard, president of the Native Women’s Associatio­n of Canada, one of the groups that has struggled under the current rules.

The government quietly revealed changes to the eligibilit­y requiremen­ts for its women’s program funding in an email Friday that invited select organizati­ons to join Status of Women Minister Patty Hajdu in celebratin­g the news sometime early next month.

The email, obtained by The Canadian Press, said the changes will come into effect July 1.

The Conservati­ve government of Stephen Harper drasticall­y changed the mandate and operation of Status of Women Canada soon after coming to power a decade ago, saying they wanted to move toward results-oriented projects.

Beginning in October 2006, organizati­ons were no longer able to get federal funding for projects that involved advocacy work, general research or lobbying the government.

“It was, in effect, a silencing of any kind of voice of advocacy for the very people who need it the most,” Lavell-Harvard said.

Her organizati­on also saw the Conservati­ves cut funding to its Sisters in Spirit project, which included collecting the names of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls years before the RCMP created its database of nearly 1,200 cases.

Leonie Roux, a spokeswoma­n for Status of Canada, would not comment on the change Friday because it was not intended to be made public.

She confirmed the new rules do not yet include giving organizati­ons money for general research, but that is under review because the 2016 budget boosted money for that purpose.

“We are now in the process of creating a dedicated research and evaluation unit to support evidence-based, innovative research that will help inform our decisions,” Roux wrote in an email.

Monica Lysack was with the Child Care Advocacy Associatio­n of Canada when it lost much of its funding under changes in 2006. The impact went well beyond the money, she said.

“It sort of created this feeling of paranoia, where organizati­ons would get called about how much advocacy they should be doing and whether they should be registered as lobbyists,” said Lysack.

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