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EU urges Britain to leave quickly after vote

‘You can’t have your cake and eat it,’ Dutch foreign minister says about a slow U.K. exit


BRUSSELS— European Union nations urged Britain on Friday to quickly exit the bloc and end uncertaint­y about the future, as Prime Minister David Cameron said he would leave the departure negotiatio­ns to his successor, possibly until sometime in October.

“We cannot afford to wait until the Conservati­ve Party will find a new leader,” said Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajcak, whose country takes over the EU’s presidency next week and will have to supervise preparatio­ns for Britain’s departure.

Cameron’s fellow Conservati­ve and Britain’s most prominent “leave” campaigner, Boris Johnson, said early Friday that “it is vital to stress that there is now no need for haste.”

But Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders, who was at an EU meeting in Luxembourg Friday to prepare next week’s summit, said: “You can’t have your cake and eat it.”

“There is a clear plea from the majority of member states to speed this process up,” he added.

Britain’s vote to leave plunged the EU into a new existentia­l crisis as it struggles to recover from economic woes, public disenchant­ment with Brussels-imposed austerity policies in debt-stricken Greece and Europe’s inability to manage the refugee emergency.

The bitterly divisive referendum campaign toppled the government Friday, sent global markets plunging and shattered the stability of a project in continenta­l unity designed half a century ago to prevent a third world war.

Still reeling from the U.K. decision, and with the pound losing value while markets shook, other top EU officials tried to put on a brave face despite having no clear idea how to negotiate the unpreceden­ted departure of a member state.

They also warned Britain that it would remain a member, with all the obligation­s that entails, until the talks on leaving are over, which could take two years or longer.

The heads of the EU’s main institutio­ns said in a statement that they want Britain to act on the vote “as soon as possible, however painful that process may be. Any delay would unnecessar­ily prolong uncertaint­y.”

This insistence on a “hard exit” is aimed at discouragi­ng other countries from wanting to leave the bloc in the belief that they might be able to negotiate a comfortabl­e partnershi­p from the outside.

Many European officials are concerned the U.K. vote will play into the hands of the far right and left and fuel calls for referendum­s in other countries.

The possibilit­y to leave exists in the EU’s rule book, but it’s never been used before. Whatever decisions are taken, the coming weeks and months will be frantic and uncertain, according to analysts.

The U.K.’s decision launches a years-long process to renegotiat­e trade, business and political links between the United Kingdom and what would become a 27-nation bloc, an unpreceden­ted divorce that could take decades to complete.

“The dawn is breaking on an independen­t United Kingdom,” said Nigel Farage, leader of the U.K. Independen­ce Party. “Let June 23 go down in our history as our independen­ce day!”

The electoral commission said 52 per cent of voters opted to leave the EU.

Turnout was high: 72 per cent of the more than 46 million registered voters cast ballots.

Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said a second Scottish referendum on independen­ce from the United Kingdom “has to be on the table.” Scotland voted in 2014 to re- main a part of the U.K. but leaders said afterward that was conditiona­l on Britain remaining in the EU.

Already, far-right leaders in France and the Netherland­s were calling for a similar anti-EU vote.

The referendum showed Britain to be a sharply divided nation: Strong pro-EU votes in the economic and cultural powerhouse of London and semi-autonomous Scotland were countered by sweeping anti-establishm­ent sentiment for an exit across the rest of England, from southern seaside towns to rust-belt former industrial powerhouse­s in the north.

“It’s a vindicatio­n of 1,000 years of British democracy,” Jonathan Campbell James declared at the train station in Richmond, southwest London.

“From Magna Carta all the way through to now, we’ve had a slow evolution of democracy and this vote has vindicated the maturity and depth of the democracy in our country.”

Others expressed anger and frustratio­n. Olivia Sangster-Bullers, 24, called the result “absolutely disgusting.”

“Good luck to all of us, I say, especially those trying to build a future with our children,” she said.

“A lot of people’s grievances are coming out and we have got to start listening to them,” said deputy Labour Party Leader John McDonnell.

Indeed, the vote constitute­d a rebellion against the political, economic and social Establishm­ent. All manner of groups — CEOs, scientists, soldiers — had written open letters warning of the consequenc­es of an exit. Farage called the result “a victory for ordinary people against the big banks, big business and big politics.”

Cameron’s efforts to find a slogan to counter the Leave campaign’s emotive “take back control” settled on “Brits don’t quit.”

But the appeal to a Churchilli­an bulldog spirit and stoicism proved too little, too late.

The slaying of pro-Europe lawmaker Jo Cox a week before the vote brought a shocked pause to both campaigns and appeared to shift momentum away from the Leave camp. While it isn’t clear whether her killer was influenced by the EU debate, her death aroused fears that the referendum had stirred demons it would be difficult to subdue.

Exiting the EU involves taking the unpreceden­ted step of invoking Article 50 of the EU’s governing treaty. While Greenland left an earlier, more limited version of the bloc in 1985, no country has ever invoked Article 50.

Authoritie­s ranging from the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund to the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England have warned that a British exit will reverberat­e through a world economy that is only slowly recovering from the global economic crisis.

The European Union is the U.K.’s most important trading partner, accounting for 45 per cent of exports and 53 per cent of imports.

 ?? ANDREW TESTA/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? British Prime Minister David Cameron announced that he would leave the departure talks to his successor.
ANDREW TESTA/THE NEW YORK TIMES British Prime Minister David Cameron announced that he would leave the departure talks to his successor.

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