Toronto Star



Who said what this week “Inner disarmamen­t is very essential.” The Dalai Lama enlightens the California legislatur­e on why gun control must start with a “sense of respect for others’ life” “Senate! You accomplish­ed so little that Kylie Jenner wants to know what the hell you do for a living!”

Stephen Colbert unloads on U.S. legislator­s after senators failed to muster enough support for gun control measures in the wake of the Orlando massacre “To have four women talking about shopping trips and spending $400 on shoes when people are having trouble putting food on the table? It doesn’t mean we don’t need that, but I think the pendulum swung in a different direction.” Kim Cattrall handicaps the likelihood of another Sex and the City movie for Britain’s Daily Record “Back in the ’80s and ’90s, you put out a trailer with all the explosions, and it took until Wednesday before people realized your movie was s--t.” Will Smith on how social media has shattered the clout of movie ads “Many are annoyed by our wanting to be married like everyone else or use the correct restroom like everyone else. Many don’t see anything wrong with passing down the same old values that send thousands of kids into suicidal depression each year. So we say pride and we express love for who and what we are. Because who else will in earnest?” Hip-hop star Frank Ocean in an essay on Tumblr

“I’m angry at women who can’t access their anger, or who cover it by masqueradi­ng as little sweeties, or those who display it and are offputting. Which are all versions of myself I have spent my life trying to wrangle and negotiate.”

 ??  ?? Actress/writer Casey Wilson explores anger issues for LennyLette­
Actress/writer Casey Wilson explores anger issues for LennyLette­

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