Toronto Star

‘We’re in orbit. We conquered Jupiter’

Juno mission aims to peer through planet’s cloudy atmosphere and map interior


PASADENA, CALIF.— Soaring over Jupiter’s poles, a NASA spacecraft arrived at the solar system’s largest planet on a mission to peek behind the cloud tops.

The final leg of the five-year voyage ended Monday when the solar-powered Juno spacecraft fired its main rocket engine and gracefully slipped into orbit around Jupiter. Mission controller­s celebrated when Juno sent back radio signals confirming it reached its destinatio­n.

“We’re there. We’re in orbit. We conquered Jupiter,” Juno chief scientist Scott Bolton said during a post-mission briefing.

In the weeks leading up to the encounter, Juno snapped pictures of the giant planet and its four inner moons dancing around it. Scientists were surprised to see Jupiter’s second-largest moon, Callisto, appearing dimmer than expected.

The spacecraft’s camera and other instrument­s were switched off for arrival, so there weren’t any pictures at that key moment.

Scientists have promised close-up views of the planet when Juno skims the cloud tops during the 20-month, $1.1-billion (U.S.) mission managed by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

The fifth planet from the sun and the heftiest in the solar system, Jupiter is what’s known as a gas giant — a ball of hydrogen and helium — unlike rocky Earth and Mars.

With its billowy clouds and colour- ful stripes, Jupiter is an extreme world that likely formed first, shortly after the sun. Unlocking its history may hold clues to understand­ing how Earth and the rest of the solar system developed.

Named after Jupiter’s cloud-piercing wife in Roman mythology, Juno is only the second mission designed to spend time at Jupiter.

Galileo, launched in 1989, circled Jupiter for nearly a decade, beaming back splendid views of the planet and its numerous moons. It uncovered signs of an ocean beneath the icy surface of the moon Europa, considered a top target in the search for life outside Earth.

Juno’s mission: To peer through Jupiter’s cloud-soaked atmosphere and map the interior from a unique vantage point above the poles. Among the lingering questions: How much water exists? Is there a solid core? Why are Jupiter’s southern and northern lights the brightest in the solar system?

“What Juno’s about is looking beneath that surface,” said Bolton of the Southwest Research Institute in Texas.

“We’ve got to go down and look at what’s inside, see how it’s built, how deep these features go, learn about its real secrets.”

There’s also the mystery of its Great Red Spot. Recent observatio­ns by the Hubble Space Telescope revealed the centuries-old monster storm in Jupiter’s atmosphere is shrinking.

The trek to Jupiter, spanning nearly five years and 2.8 billion kilometres, took Juno on a tour of the inner solar system followed by a swing past Earth that catapulted it beyond the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

 ?? RINGO H.W. CHIU/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? NASA scientists Scott Bolton, left, and Rick Nybakken celebrate after the Juno spacecraft successful­ly enters orbit around Jupiter.
RINGO H.W. CHIU/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NASA scientists Scott Bolton, left, and Rick Nybakken celebrate after the Juno spacecraft successful­ly enters orbit around Jupiter.

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