Toronto Star

Brexit: be careful what you wish for


Re Euphoria gives way to angst as reality sets in, June 28 Our friends in Britain have provided a textbook case of why a referendum is a blunt instrument that weakens representa­tive democracy and can never be a friend to its effective management.

For instance, what level of vote participat­ion constitute­s true consent or a majority? Yes, 72 per cent of U.K. voters cast their ballots, but the “Leave” win of 51.9 per cent represents a mere 37 per cent of eligible voters. Such tyranny of the minority is at the root of what is wrong with many first-past-the-post systems.

An analysis of referenda use as a form of direct democracy quickly shows that evidence, reasoned thought or long-term planning are rarely the stronger players in the lead up to a vote. What most often results is more of a populace “myopia of the moment,” driven by a potent, overwhelmi­ng mix of fear or anger, inaccurate or deceptive informatio­n, ambiguous wording of the question, complexity of the issue, economic intimidati­on and media overkill. In that moment, many voters too often lack the informatio­n necessary to make an informed decision.

Our democracy is based on elected MPs who are there to vote on our behalf. A referendum is a crude measure of popularity, but is a poor sister to freedom and thoughtful democratic change. Edward Carson, Toronto Re A dumb referendum, Opinion July 3 And just how does Robin V. Sears propose that polities such as Quebec secede from the Canadian federation, or decide not to, if it is not by means of a referendum?

Does he think a civil war would do the trick? Or, would he have had the Parti Québécois use its majority in the Quebec National Assembly to pass a bill of secession in whatever manner it deemed democratic?

If Mr. Sears cannot trust his fellow citizens to vote responsibl­y in a referendum, then he should never trust the results of a general election either.

There is a place for referenda in our decision-making apparatus, just as there is a place for delegated authority and both should be used wisely in their appropriat­e places. Patrick Cowan, Toronto


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