Toronto Star

Turning allies into outsiders


A year ago this month, members of the anti-racism group Black Lives Matter Toronto marched through the city’s Little Jamaica neighbourh­ood and demanded justice for Andrew Loku, a man from South Sudan with a history of mental illness who had recently been killed by police.

The protesters spilled out onto the Allen Expressway and called for, among other things, police transparen­cy on the questionab­le circumstan­ces around Loku’s death. They stood in the middle of the road alongside concerned members of the community and blocked the busy thoroughfa­re for two hours. The demonstrat­ion inconvenie­nced and annoyed many, which was exactly the point.

In the two years since its founding, BLM Toronto has worked tirelessly to make itself “impossible to ignore,” as co-founder Sandy Hudson told the Star earlier this year. They have demanded and been granted public meetings with the mayor and the premier. They have camped outside police headquarte­rs, disrupted police board meetings and made scenes at Queen’s Park.

These tactics, while widely scorned, have yielded undeniable results. Nine months after the Little Jamaica march, the coroner’s office announced it would investigat­e the Loku shooting and credited BLM Toronto for prompting the decision. The group’s members played a crucial role in ending the discrimina­tory practice of police carding and shining a light on other troubling police practices. And they have amplified an important conversati­on in the city about institutio­nal racism and the ways in which it not only affects lives, but also takes them.

Given the stakes of the Black Lives Matter fight, the confrontat­ional approach should not surprise.

Yet, as the BLM Toronto protest at Sunday’s Pride parade demonstrat­es, when aimed at the wrong target, these tactics may produce less righteous results.

Invited as an “honoured guest” of the parade, the group held a sit-in along the way, stopping the procession for about half an hour. They issued nine demands, including increased representa­tion of black people among Pride Toronto staff and, most controvers­ially, a ban on police floats in future parades. Only after Pride’s executive director, Mathieu Chantelois, signed the list did the group allow the march to continue. (Chantelois has since backtracke­d on the promises.)

The trouble is that the cost of this particular action was to another worthy cause, whose goals of exposing and opposing bigotry overlap with BLM Toronto’s own. The Pride parade, imperfect though it may be, provides an important annual opportunit­y to reflect on how far the LGBT rights movement has come and the work still to be done.

Why would BLM Toronto, which cites “tackling heteronorm­ativity” as one of its goals, approach this event in confrontat­ion rather than friendship? As Chantelois said, “They could have sent me an email.” Indeed, many of the demands were totally reasonable, and as Pride executives have said, would have been granted.

Instead, while provoking exactly the kind of discussion it wanted, it seems to have eclipsed the also-important conversati­on around LGBT rights that Pride is meant to promote. This seems antithetic­al to the group’s stated principles.

The same can be said of the demand to ban an official police presence from the parade. BLM Toronto has no doubt raised crucial questions about police culture and policy. But surely it is to the good that police, as individual­s or institutio­n, publicly endorse inclusion and tolerance and, ideally, develop positive relationsh­ips with the diverse communitie­s they are meant to serve.

As the Star has argued before, criticisms of BLM Toronto and its methods have often been nothing more than thinly veiled expression­s of racism. But it’s hard to square the group’s latest action with its stated goals. The problem is not the tactics but the target. Black Lives Matter should think twice about making outsiders of its allies in the fight for inclusion and respect.

The disruptive tactics of anti-racism group at Sunday’s Pride Parade may have backfired

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