Toronto Star

Broadway cast performs for Orlando survivors


NEW YORK— Many Broadway stars have joined together to sing and raise money to help the survivors of the gay nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla. Now, one Broadway show is going further: performing a few blocks away from the massacre.

The cast and creative team from Fun Home will assemble for a onenight benefit-concert version of the Tony Award-winning show on July 24 in Orlando for survivors and victims’ families.

“For our company, there is no choice but to respond with what we have, what we know and the belief that it leads to something,” said producer Mike Isaacson.

The touching musical is based on Alison Bechdel’s graphic novel memoir about growing up with a closeted dad in the family’s funeral home business. It’s the first Broadway show with a lesbian protagonis­t.

Tony winner Michael Cerveris, who stars as the father, came up with the idea of the visit.

“It was one of those perfect moments where everyone aligned and did so quite quickly, understand­ing that many of the ideas and themes within Fun Home would be a perfect gift and a way for the community to come together in advocation for LGBT rights,” said producer Kristin Caskey.

Free seats will be set aside for family members of the victims and those directly affected by the shooting. Discounts will be made available so that “everybody who wants to be there, can be there,” Isaacson said.

It’s the latest attempt by the Broadway community to help those affected by the tragedy. Kinky Boots donated a portion of its ticket sales from one show to help the LGBT community in Southern Florida.

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