Toronto Star

July 13, 1855: Step right up, see the Circus Riot

U.S. circus troupe attacked by an enraged mob of locals during a show at Fair Green


Victorian-age Toronto had a reputation for riots.

During the mid-nineteenth century, there were the Fireman’s Riot, the Cabman’s Riot and the D’Arcy McGee Riot. But the Circus Riot of July13,1855, had to be the weirdest of them all.

That night, S.B. Howe’s circus troupe was wrapping up a show at Toronto’s Fair Green when enraged locals tried to cut their tent’s lines. They had a score to settle. While out drinking at a “house of ill-fame” (a bordello) on King St. the night before, S.B. Howe’s performers beat up two locals who started an argument with them.

Once again, the performers fought back. Among the injured townsfolk this time was one Joseph Bird — a firefighte­r with the Hook-and-Ladder Fire Company, a private unit notorious for starting the Fireman’s Riot.

Crowds of locals began pelting the circus tent with stones. Someone rang the nearby fire bell. The Hookand-Ladder Fire Company responded — and proceeded to smash and tip all the circus wagons. Locals also set fire to at least one. The performers were so terrified, according to media reports, that several dove into the lake rather than face the mob.

A dozen police officers arrived at the scene — and made no arrests. Seventeen men were eventually charged with rioting, but officers said in court they couldn’t identify any of them.

City hall later blamed the riot on the city’s disorganiz­ed fire service and police force. The chief of police was fired, and both forces were rebuilt.

In a strange coincidenc­e, one month later, S.B. Howe’s troupe started another Circus Riot — in Saint John, New Brunswick.

 ?? LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA ?? A painting of the waterfront, circa 1855, the site of the Circus Riot.
LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA A painting of the waterfront, circa 1855, the site of the Circus Riot.

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