Toronto Star

Sharing food feeds trust, study reveals

Eating same dish promotes confidence in another person


Hoping your blind date leads to a love connection? Here’s a tip: share food. New research from the University of Chicago suggests that when people eat the same food, they’re more likely to co-operate better, resolve conflict faster and even trust a product testimonia­l more.

“When people eat the same food they feel closer and then are more trusting of another person,” said Kaitlin Woolley, co-author of the study and a PhD candidate in behavioura­l science at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

The study, called “A recipe for friendship: Similar food consumptio­n promotes trust and co-operation,” was published online in the Journal of Consumer Psychology in June and set for publicatio­n in the journal in January 2017. It consists of four smaller studies carried out between 2013 and 2016 by Woolley and her co-author Ayelet Fishbach, a professor of behavioura­l science and marketing at the Booth School of Business.

In the first sub-study, researcher­s paired 176 University of Chicago students together and gave them bowls of candy. Half of all pairs were told to eat the same candy and the other half told to eat different candies. Participan­ts then played a trust game in which one person was assigned the role of fund manager and the other was assigned the role of investor. The investor received $3 and was told they could “invest” whatever amount they wanted in the fund manager. Those who ate the same candy invested more money — $2.40 on average — than those who ate different candy — who invested only $1.86 on average.

In the second sub-study, 124 students were paired together, assigned the roles of either union leader or manager and told to negotiate a bargaining dilemma over wages. For half the teams, the two participan­ts ate the same three snacks and for the other half, the two ate different snacks. Researcher­s told participan­ts a fake story that the study was evaluating if eating the same or dissimilar foods as another person affected taste or enjoyment of food over time. Then negotiatio­n rounds began. Those who ate the same food came to a resolution in 3.63 strike rounds, nearly half the number of strike rounds it took dissimilar eaters to come to a resolution — 7.33.

The third mini study asked 96 people to eat a piece of Kit Kat while watching two product testimonia­ls: one for a computer software product and one a stain remover. The person speaking in the videos was either eating a Kit Kat, grapes or no food. Researcher­s then asked participan­ts to rate their level of trust in the testimonia­l informatio­n on a scale of 0 to 6, with 0 being not at all and 6 being very much, and to evaluate how honestly or dishonestl­y the person in the video was communicat­ing on a scale of 0 to 6, with 0 being dishonestl­y and 6 being honestly. The video featuring a person eating a Kit Kat received an overall trust score of 3.21on average compared to 2.79 for grapes and 2.28 for no food.

In the fourth and only online study, researcher­s set out to test if the same trust levels could be duplicated in a study looking at clothing. Participan­ts’ responses indicated they believed people who were eating the same food trusted each other more than those eating different food, while trust levels in pairs wearing the same or different shirts were not significan­tly different.

Laura Cavanagh, a professor of behavioura­l sciences at Seneca College who was not involved in the study, said the results make sense from an evolutiona­ry perspectiv­e.

“We use a lot of mental shortcuts when deciding who to trust and not to trust,” she said. “We’re using the animal instincts in the back of the mind . . . I know that (the food) is safe, I know that you’re safe.”

“We’re using the animal instincts in the back of the mind . . . I know that (the food) is safe, I know that you’re safe.” LAURA CAVANAGH BEHAVIOURA­L SCIENCES PROFESSOR

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