Toronto Star

The TDSB’s multi-step plan to tackle racial disparity


The Toronto District School Board has heard the critiques and acknowledg­es there are racial disparitie­s in our school system, which we must continue to work on.

It is correct to point out white students in the TDSB are more likely to be found in high-income neighbourh­oods, while black students are more likely to be found in low-income neighbourh­oods. And while we do face issues of poverty, our job is to provide schools in every neighbourh­ood that create conditions for all children to succeed.

In particular, Sachin Maharaj’s recent opinion piece in the Star on black students in Toronto schools makes some valid points and defines the challenges many school boards face. It’s important, however, to recognize that the TDSB has taken, and will continue to take, steps to ensure that all students are able to succeed.

The TDSB’s Model Schools for Inner Cities Program, launched in Toronto’s most needy neighbourh­oods 10 years ago, has shown that schools can be essential equalizers. With ex- tra resources, such as additional staff, iPads for students, after-school programs, unique field trips and Parenting and Family Literacy Centres, the program has given a great number of students the tools and encouragem­ent they need to succeed.

TDSB research on the impact of Model Schools over time shows evidence of improved academic achievemen­t and student well-being. We have also seen higher credit accumulati­on by the end of Grade 10 than before the program was in place (from 50 per cent to 64 per cent of students in priority neighbourh­oods attaining the expected number of credits). Many of these factors help explain the TDSB’s rising graduation rate from 78 per cent in 2005 to 85 per cent in 2015 — our highest ever.

Having said that, we do recognize achievemen­t levels among some black students are lower than their peers. Our data shows this and we have been open about it. In fact, we collect more data than most school boards across the country and for good reason. We want to know where the gaps are and where extra supports are needed.

Over the past number of years, we have been using this data to boost improvemen­t. This work has been overseen by board-wide and community-driven Equity and InnerCity advisory committees, which bring a collaborat­ive, school-community focus to addressing opportunit­y, participat­ion and achievemen­t gaps. This work needs to continue and we must also take a more deliberate approach to responding to this data.

In the past, our research has shown opportunit­y, participat­ion and achievemen­t gaps for historical­ly marginaliz­ed student population­s and we have acted in direct response with, for example, pre-kindergart­en readiness, after school programs and in-school health clinics for students. More of these interventi­on strategies must be done and they need to have a more direct impact on classroom teaching and learning.

More recently, trustees voted to establish a Black Student Achievemen­t Advisory Committee to examine and make recommenda­tions on strategies to create more equitable outcomes for black students.

We have also put in place a new Learning Centre model across the city that will improve the speed with which we identify and respond to learning gaps.

The Learning Centres strategy will place resources closer to schools, decentrali­ze decision-making and reduce bureaucrac­y so we can get the support students need in the hands of principals and teachers and impact the classroom sooner.

This fall, the TDSB will prepare an Integrated Equity Plan that will spark tough and challengin­g conversati­ons system-wide and in each and every school. It will engage principals and ultimately classroom teachers to respond more directly to key questions, such as:

What barriers exist in the school that might be keeping students from achieving?

What bias might persons in the school possess about what certain groups of students are able to achieve?

What needs to change in terms of the instructio­n, the environmen­t in the school and the relationsh­ips in the school?

Under the plan, senior management and central department­s will oversee the implementa­tion. Their mandate will be to ensure principals and vice principals are engaging staff, students and parents/guardians to work together to build action plans for schools that promote a sense of belonging, support and well-being, and help eliminate barriers to success. As with many TDSB initiative­s, we will closely monitor and evaluate this new model’s effectiven­ess to ensure it’s having the impact we intended.

We recognize that patterns of systemic racism and discrimina­tion exist within our society and this has to stop.

For our part, the TDSB is committed to working within our schools, and with our parents, communitie­s, the city and province to reduce and eliminate racism and discrimina­tion in all forms. John Malloy is the director of education for the Toronto District School Board.

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