Toronto Star

Trump’s greatest unhinged moments


July 29 The fire marshal Trump raged against the alleged incompeten­ce and deviousnes­s of a fire marshal who stopped letting people enter his rally in Colorado Springs. “Maybe they’re a Hillary person. Could that be possible? Probably,” he said. July 27 The Russians Over the course of one Florida press conference, Trump misstated the state of Democratic vice-presidenti­al candidate Tim Kaine and the name of Ronald Reagan shooter John Hinckley, told a female reporter to “be quiet” and invited Russia to commit cyber-espionage against Clinton. July 6 The mosquito Trump was speaking at a rally in Cincinnati when he spotted a mosquito near his lectern. He became agitated. “I don’t like mosquitoes,” he growled. “I don’t like those mosquitoes. I never did.” May 3 The assassin Trump accused the father of rival Ted Cruz of helping to kill John F. Kennedy. His evidence: a false National Enquirer story about Rafael Cruz being pictured with Lee Harvey Oswald before the murder. April 13 The dead man Speaking in Pittsburgh, Trump asked the crowd, “How’s Joe Paterno? We’re gonna bring that back? Right? How about that whole deal?” Paterno, forced out as Penn State football coach after a sexabuse scandal, died in 2012; Trump’s campaign claimed he was talking about a statue the school took down. February 18 The Pope After Pope Francis said someone who wants to build walls rather than bridges is “not Christian,” Trump issued a furious statement calling the pontiff disgracefu­l. “If and when the Vatican is attacked by ISIS, which as everyone knows is ISIS’s ultimate trophy, I can promise you that the Pope would have only wished and prayed that Donald Trump would have been president,” he said.

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