Toronto Star

Dealing with conflict? Think ahead a year

Long-term thinking can help tackle interperso­nal tensions, a Canadian study suggests


If you’re at odds with your wife about family chores, or are having a spat with your boyfriend over who feeds the cat, stop and ask yourself, “Will this fight matter a year from now?” — and you might still be together then.

Anew Canadian study, published in the journal Social Psychologi­cal and Personalit­y Science, suggests the ticket to overcoming relationsh­ip conflicts is adopting a future-oriented perspectiv­e, instead of focusing on the present.

That means in the heat of the moment when tempers are flaring, people should take a step back and ask themselves how a conflict will affect them down the line, says lead author Alex Huynh, a doctoral candidate in the University of Waterloo’s department of psychology.

“It allows them to be more forgiving of their partners and close friends, and in the end, that changes how they think about their relationsh­ip and their relationsh­ip well-being,” he says. “They think the relationsh­ip will get better, and (think) of the conflict as a learning experience.”

The researcher­s conducted two studies — one on undergradu­ate students in Chicago, and another on a broader age range of Americans found through a crowdsourc­ing website. All participan­ts were asked to reflect on a recent conflict with a romantic partner or a close friend, with one group tasked with describing how they felt about it in the moment, and a second group describing how they’d feel about the conflict in a year.

In both studies, those thinking about the future reported more positivity about their relationsh­ips. They also showed more forgivenes­s and saw the fight in a more reasoned, positive light.

“People get caught up in their feelings, and use it as fuel and end up hurting their relationsh­ips,” Huynh says. “But as humans . . . we can take a step back and think about our conflicts differentl­y. By this simple way of doing that, your relationsh­ip is going to be better.”

The findings come as no surprise to psychologi­sts and relationsh­ip counsellor­s, who’ve seen it all when it comes to sparring couples.

“Even basic stresses in life, when we take a moment to say, ‘Will this matter a year from now?’ I find it makes my clients calm down,” says Nicole McCance, a Toronto-based psychologi­st and relationsh­ip expert who has been working with couples for about a decade.

“It makes absolute sense,” says registered profession­al counsellor Edel Walsh, founder of Love Done Well, a Vancouver-based love, life and relationsh­ip-counsellin­g service.

We’re all hard-wired with a primitive “fight or flight” response, she says, and it’s nonsensica­l to try and solve a conflict in that state of mind. “What generally leads to an escalation in an argument with couples is that they both want to be heard at the same time — but you can’t.”

When we’re arguing with someone, there are actually physiologi­cal changes in our body, McCance says. “Our blood pressure increases and goes away from our brain, into our legs and arms,” she says.

In other words, your brain isn’t exactly firing on all cylinders when you’re mad. “The best thing to do is walk away and take a break,” McCance adds. “It takes 20 minutes for your blood to go back to your brain.”

And after hitting the pause button, you might as well take some time to think about the future, too.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? People should ask themselves how a conflict will affect them down the line.
DREAMSTIME People should ask themselves how a conflict will affect them down the line.

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