Toronto Star

Do kids a favour by undoing ad magic


Kids may not make the money in your family, but they sure have a say in how we spend it. Marketers know. From footwear to hair care, big business is making its pitch to little consumers and scoring billions of dollars. But its focus has moved from the traditiona­l toys, candy and cereal to computers, clothing and cars.

Worried that commercial­s are having an undue influence on your children? Time to start talking to your wee ones about how “promise” and “reality” differ.

When your child says he wants the latest action figure, ask him if he thinks said figure will move of its own accord. When you take her to the store to buy something, take the chosen item out of the packaging if you can (another buy-me ploy) and ask if it lives up to her expectatio­ns.

Kids can’t differenti­ate between what’s real and what’s marketing magic. You actually have to teach your kids that advertisin­g exists to sell products, that special effects can exaggerate a product’s operation, and that the ads don’t always include all the informatio­n.

The next time you watch TV with your son or daughter, take time to point out the difference between the programs and the advertisem­ents. Talk with your child about the different types of commercial­s on TV, on radio and in print. Help your kids label the ads so they become less susceptibl­e to marketers’ influence. (Hey, you might make a discovery or two yourself!) Watch in particular for these:

Wannabe ads Beautiful people having scads of fun doing things we would all love to be able to do: rafting, skiing, skateboard­ing, dancing. Buy the product and you’ll be part of a group of funloving, popular achievers.

Famous people ads Athletes, movie stars, musicians, famous business people, even politician­s appear in ads. The message is that if someone famous uses the product, shouldn’t you?

Cosy ads These ads depict warm, comfy pictures, usually in an intimate setting. A grandpa and grandson chatting on the telephone or best friends sharing secrets over a tub of ice cream. These commercial­s want you to relate their products to love and contentmen­t.

Fact ads Four out of five doctors, six out of seven dentists and nine out of 10 mechanics all say this is the best product available. Could all those experts be wrong?

The great offer ads These give you a not-to-be-believed, too-good-to-pass-up opportunit­y to get more for less — buy two get one free, buy one and the next is halfprice.

Once you and your kidlet have labelled the ads, make a game of finding fexamples of each type.

Ask your child: Is the product better because a famous person says it is? Will you be happier, safer, warmer or cozier if you buy the product? Is the deal being offered really a good deal? (Time to do the math.) Given the constant barrage of messages to buy, buy, buy, it’s not surprising that children are consummate consumers. Isn’t it time to start making your kids smarter about how they spend their, and your, money? Gail Vaz-Oxlade writes every Tuesday for Smart Money.

 ?? Gail Vaz-Oxlade ??
Gail Vaz-Oxlade

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