Toronto Star

Second Franklin wreck HMS Terror discovered intact on Arctic seabed

Crew member’s jogged memory leads team to Erebus’s sister ship 100 km north in Terror Bay


Thanks to an Inuk Ranger’s sharp memory and a little luck, researcher­s are a major step closer to knowing the fates of two ships that vanished nearly 170 years ago in Canada’s wide and savage Arctic.

The second of the two Franklin Expedition shipwrecks was found earlier this month, Arctic Research Foundation expedition lead Adrian Schimnowsk­i confirmed Monday.

“We found (HMS) Terror,” Schimnowsk­i said. “We found Terror in Terror Bay.” HMS Terror was one of two Royal Navy ships that set out in 1845 on the ill-fated quest led by Sir John Franklin to find the Northwest Passage to Asia. The ships became trapped in thick Arctic ice and all 129 crew members died. The other ship — HMS Erebus — was located in September 2014 in the Queen Maud Gulf, along the central Arctic coastline.

Schimnowsk­i and a crew of nine on the research vessel Martin Bergmann discovered the wreck of HMS Terror the morning of Sept. 3, about 60 nautical miles (111 kilometres) directly north of Erebus, in the centre of Terror Bay.

“It looked like it gently sank to the bottom. It’s settled flat, level on the seabed floor; all the decking and everything is in place,” Schimnowsk­i told the Star via satellite phone from Gjoa Haven, Nunavut.

The crew was led to the ship after mem- ber Sammy Kogvik, a Canadian Ranger from Gjoa Haven, recalled an incident seven years ago when he and a friend, headed to a local fishing lake, stumbled across a ship’s mast sticking out of Terror Bay. Kogvik took a photo, but lost the camera on the way home. He didn’t bring it up to anyone, Schimnowsk­i said, until last month, when the Martin Bergmann was travelling through Simpson Strait.

“When he told me this story, it was like an arrow that was directing us to go right to this site,” Schimnowsk­i said.

As the research vessel sailed through Terror Bay, bridge watch Daniel McIsaac noticed something big on the sounder; he called Capt. Gerrard Chidley and Schimnowsk­i, who were just finishing breakfast, to come take a look.

Chidley went up first, then Schimnowsk­i; Capt. David McIsaac, who had just come out of the washroom, also went to the bridge.

“We made a joke right there that maybe whatever (McIsaac) did on the toilet just jumped up on our screen,” Schimnowsk­i said. “But what we really knew was that we’d found something that looked like a ship.”

The crew deployed a remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) equipped with a camera. As it descended into the frigid water, it beamed back signs the Terror had been found: images of a bell that looked exactly the same as that of the Erebus; a cannon; a double-wheeled helm on the stern in perfect condition; and captain’s quarters with four windows, glass still intact in all but one. The hatches on the wreck matched with drawings of the HMS Terror and the ship’s steam engine had an exhaust pipe in the right spot.

As the ROV roamed inside an open hatch, more hidden treasures: a mess hall, tables standing; a food locker, wine and spice bottles still in place; china plates with the same patterns as those on Erebus, neatly stowed in wooden racks.

“It seems like everything was battened down for the winter, everything was shut down as fast as pos- sible and everything seems to be in place,” Schimnowsk­i said.

“We decided to take a detour to see if Sammy’s story made sense and it was because we listened to him . . . We had to follow his lead, and we found it.”

Kogvik declined to be interviewe­d by the Star, but his wife, Betty, said her husband called Sunday night.

“I’m speechless,” she said from her home in Gjoa Haven. “I only thought they were going out to the site where they found (HMS Erebus) last year.”

“I’m so proud of Sammy. It’s hard to describe. I’ve got my eyes wide open, I’m so surprised,” she said.

Contrary to prevailing theory, the vessel wasn’t crushed by sea ice in the Victoria Strait, north of King William Island, before sinking. Finding her almost 100 kilometres south and in near-perfect condition — “That’s a shocker,” said Canadian Ice Service research scientist Tom Zagon, who has worked on the search since 2010. “Terror Bay was not really a super high priority.”

Ice flow patterns could explain the Erebus’s final resting place, but not the Terror’s. It’s possible some members of Franklin’s crew returned and sailed the Terror south, Zagon said, cautioning that that’s speculativ­e. “It would be so strange for a ship to end up there naturally,” he said.

With the Terror in such good condition, chances are good she will yield more clues as to what happened to Franklin and his men, Zagon said.

Ownership of both ships has been transferre­d to the Canadian government and their resting spots are considered historic sites.

Schimnowsk­i said a celebratio­n feast for the crew with the Gjoa Haven community is being planned for Wednesday or Thursday. It’s important the community is involved, he added. After all, Inuit have been telling stories of the ship’s final resting place for generation­s.

“This story, the Franklin story, is so closely linked to this community and also it was Sammy who led us to this discovery . . . We are basically in the backyards of their home and it’s respect,” Schimnowsk­i said. “That’s the way of the Arctic, that’s the way of life in the Arctic, everyone helps each other out.”

 ??  ?? The Star was aboard one of the research vessels when the Erebus was found.
The Star was aboard one of the research vessels when the Erebus was found.
 ?? OWEN STANLEY/LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA ?? HMS Terror was one of two ships lost during the Franklin Expedition to the Arctic nearly 170 years ago. HMS Erebus was found in September 2014.
OWEN STANLEY/LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA HMS Terror was one of two ships lost during the Franklin Expedition to the Arctic nearly 170 years ago. HMS Erebus was found in September 2014.

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