Toronto Star

Mid-life crisis might just be relationsh­ip crisis

- Ellie Tip of the day Sometimes it’s the relationsh­ip that’s having a mid-life crisis and needs direct attention. Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. Email or visit her website, ellieadvic­ Follow @ellieadvic­e.

My husband and I, both in our late 40s, have been happily married for 19 years. We have two great teenagers and a nice stable life. However, approachin­g 50, we both seem to be having something of a mid-life crisis. My husband wants to acquire “toys.” I have no problems with that, we can afford them, and I want him to be happy. What I need is time and attention from him, which I’m not getting.

I want to go out on date nights and talk more with him. For example, have a quiet dinner together, receive some compliment­s, get a text message sometimes saying he’s thinking of me.

I’ve expressed my feelings to him, but they fall on deaf ears.

I’ll suggest doing things together and he’s either too tired, busy or too wrapped up with his phone. I’ve tried everything. I lost 20 pounds and got in shape, I send him nice messages, compliment him, but get nothing in return.

I love him dearly, but I’m feeling lonely and resentful. When I complain about too little time with him, he responds angrily, saying how busy he is and that I’m pressuring him. Am I asking too much? How do I cope with this? Mid-life Divide

You’re both seeking more personal “wants.” But neither of you recognizes that your relationsh­ip is also in transition.

The teens will soon be leaving home for education.

They’re already pretty occupied with school, homework, activities and friends.

Your husband wants visible expression­s of his success — perhaps a fancier car, a bigger boat.

You want emotional rewards for having reached this stage as a couple.

But the relationsh­ip itself needs both of you to tend it.

Don’t try to beat back “aging” — besides a few more laugh lines, your 50s can be a time of full energy and greater self-confidence. Look at the benefits.

There’s more time for trying to better understand each other, to support some of what each other wants and create a deeper connection.

If a happier relationsh­ip is not a mutually accepted goal, then this isn’t about age at all.

In that case, get counsellin­g together, or on your own if necessary. I want to go to family counsellin­g with my family, but I’m unsure how to ask. I don’t want my family members to get angry or upset with me.

I want to address the idea in a mature and respectful way. Need the Right Approach

You might think from this column that I believe counsellin­g is always needed and always works when there are relationsh­ip issues.

However, given that you don’t say what your family issues are, or how old you are, I can’t simply respond that counsellin­g will be the best answer.

But since you’re the one who wants it, I suggest that you first look at the conflict you perceive, and what your own part may be in it.

I’m not “blaming” you, just pointing out that no one wants to be blamed.

To initiate a discussion on considerin­g counsellin­g, you need to be able to state, matter-of-factly, how the various conflicts are affecting everyone, not just you.

You should also show some awareness of the others — for example, you know that your father’s worried about his job, that your mother’s not been well, that your sister feels she’s the scapegoat, etc.

Say that your goal is family harmony, and that a profession­al counsellor will have ways you can try to achieve that, with honest discussion and compromise, without any one person being blamed.

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