Toronto Star

Revisiting free speech debate on campus


When I was an undergrad at the University of Western Ontario in 1989, geneticist and broadcaste­r David Suzuki debated professor of psychology Philippe Rushton. Rushton’s published research showed genetics plays a role in intelligen­ce and, more controvers­ially, that some people groups were born with greater general intelligen­ce than others.

Certain groups on campus were outraged by Rushton’s findings and when none of the other psychology faculty at Western would take up the challenge, they petitioned Suzuki to step in and debate him.

Even though I personally witnessed the debate in Alumni Hall, there’s little I remember of either man’s presentati­on of facts on the issue. What I do remember is Suzuki’s repeated scolding of the university administra­tion and certain media outlets for giving Rushton a forum at which he might speak. To great applause, Suzuki proclaimed, “I do not believe we should dignify this man and his ideas in public debate.”

Maybe because I was a philosophy major and had just read John Stuart Mill’s On Liberty or some other such testament to free speech, I found Suzuki’s comments incredibly alarming . . . much more so than anything issuing from the mouth of Rushton. I am alarmed that today more people, including some university faculty and administra­tors, are beginning to fall in line with Suzuki’s thinking.

Currently, the administra­tion at the University of Toronto is deciding how to deal with a controvers­ial professor, Jordan Peterson. Via media interviews and self-produced YouTube videos, Peterson has gone public with his concern that ideology is trumping factual evidence in academia; he contends that when certain facts offend the sensibilit­ies of historical­ly marginaliz­ed groups, the facts are required to “change” or be suppressed.

While his observatio­ns and arguments about the state of university culture are numerous and nuanced, what has generated the most media attention, and the most outrage from some groups on his own campus, is his public declaratio­n that he will not use genderless pronouns — such as “they” — if asked to do so by a student who does not identify as “he” or “she.”

Last Wednesday, the U of T students’ union sent an open letter to the administra­tion demanding they wring an apology from Peterson and get him to remove his lectures from YouTube. Administra­tors were also told that in the future they must defend students against “prejudiced” comments from tenured professors.

It is my hope that U of T administra­tion has the good sense to ignore these demands. Not because Peterson is right (I reserve judgment there), but because stifling free expression is wrong and it is heinously wrong when a university — a place supposedly dedicated to the free exchange of ideas — is the arbiter of that oppression.

Beyond the fact that freedom of expression is the key defence against totalitari­anism, there is another reason U of T administra­tors should allow Peterson to continue unabated. Simply put, it is better for the students who are protesting.

University, at its best, tries to create opportunit­ies to stretch students’ intellectu­al abilities. Here is such an opportunit­y and it has arisen organicall­y. If Peterson is wrong, let these protesting students mount an intellectu­al offensive that is factually superior to his. It is intellectu­ally lazy and worse, cowardly, to ask the administra­tion to do their “homework” for them.

Rather than call for administra­tion to deny Peterson his outlets for free speech, why don’t they ask the administra­tion for a forum where they can present their own arguments?

From Suzuki’s call to ban ideas that offended him back in 1989 to the similar comments of U of T’s student leaders today, it may seem little has changed. But there have been some substantia­l legal changes since my days as an undergrad.

For instance, back then if what you said was supported by factual evidence you were safe from legal prosecutio­n. As of 2013, our country’s Supreme Court has ruled that “truthful statements can be presented in a manner that would meet the definition of hate speech, and not all truthful statements must be free from restrictio­n.”

In light of this and other rulings of lower courts, tribunals and councils, I wonder: Would the Suzuki-Rushton debate of my youth be allowed to take place at any university campus in Canada today?

How the academic leaders at the University of Toronto handle this situation with Peterson will give us a sense of which way the wind is blowing. There’s already a chill in the air.

 ??  ?? David M. Haskell is an associate professor of digital media and journalism/religion and culture at Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford campus.
David M. Haskell is an associate professor of digital media and journalism/religion and culture at Wilfrid Laurier University, Brantford campus.

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