Toronto Star

Cyclist invents a safe way to noodle around the city

Floppy foam pool toy used as an alert to drivers of the space they should give someone on a bike


Cars barrelling by him. SUVs passing within inches of his bike’s handlebars. Drivers jamming on the brakes and leaping from their vehicles to confront him.

Daily commutes used to be tough for Warren Huska, who cycles 18 kilometres from his home near the Beaches to his office in North York almost every day.

“People get really insulated inside a vehicle,” Huska said.

“They don’t really know where the edges of their vehicle are.”

But, for the past year, drivers have given Huska a wider berth.

Now, when he mounts his trusty two-wheeled steed, Huska is protected by a pool noodle.

Strapped to his bike’s frame with bungee cords, the floppy foam cylinder is a reminder to drivers not to get too close.

“The edge of the noodle (helps them) gauge space instead of them trying to judge where my elbow was,” Huska said.

Huska took up the noodle in mid-2015, when Ontario enacted new laws requiring drivers to leave onemetre’s distance when passing cyclists on the road.

The change he noticed was “almost magical,” Huska said.

“Suddenly all the cars are changing lanes to go around me.”

Huska estimated he has biked 8,000 kilometres, in all seasons, with his noodle in tow.

It’s an added measure of safety in a city where cycling in traffic can be a dangerous undertakin­g.

Toronto police say there were 864 collisions between cars and bikes from Jan. 1 to Sept. 30 alone.

Huska said drivers have lowered their car windows to congratula­te him on the usefulness of the noodle.

But, so far, he has heard of only one other cyclist rolling with their own noodle.

That might have something to do with the noodle’s coolness, or lack thereof.

“I’m unconcerne­d about looking good,” Huska said.

“I’m concerned about my safety most.”

 ?? RANDY RISLING/TORONTO STAR ?? Warren Huska, a cyclist who has attached a pool noodle to his bike to remind cars of a safe passing distance, says the change he noticed once he started cycling like this was almost “magical.”
RANDY RISLING/TORONTO STAR Warren Huska, a cyclist who has attached a pool noodle to his bike to remind cars of a safe passing distance, says the change he noticed once he started cycling like this was almost “magical.”

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