Toronto Star

Reclaimed by Castro, Elian hails his friend


HAVANA— Elian Gonzalez, the centre of an internatio­nal custody battle waged by Fidel Castro nearly two decades ago, returned to the public eye Sunday to praise the leader who fought to return him to Cuba.

Echoing the round-the-clock adulation on state media, Gonzalez said on government-run television that the Cuban leader’s legacy will long outlive him.

It’s “not right to talk about Fidel in the past tense . . . but rather that Fidel will be,” Gonzalez said. “Today more than ever, make him omnipresen­t.”

Gonzalez was 5 when he, his mother and others attempted a sea crossing between Cuba and the United States in 1999. His mother died on the voyage, but he survived and was taken to Florida.

A bitter dispute broke out between his relatives in the U.S., who wanted him to stay there, and his father back home.

Castro, who died Friday night at 90, made the issue a national cause célèbre and led huge demonstrat­ions demanding Elian be returned to his father. U.S. authoritie­s eventually sent him back.

“Fidel was a friend who at a difficult moment was with my family, with my father, and made it possible for me to return to my father, to return to Cuba,” Gonzalez said.

He spoke as workers spruced up the Cuban capital’s sprawling Revolution Plaza in preparatio­n for two days of tributes.

Hundreds of thousands are expected to visit to pay their respects starting Monday in the shadow of Havana’s towering monument to independen­ce hero Jose Marti and a huge sculpture of revolution leader Che Guevara.

A mass public ceremony is planned at the square Tuesday.

“It is a great sorrow. Everyone is feeling it,” said Orlando Alvarez, a jeweller. “Everyone will be there.”

Cuba’s government declared nine days of national mourning after Castro died and this normally vibrant city has been notably subdued.

On Saturday night, the Malecon, Havana’s social centre, was all but deserted, with dozens of people instead of the thousands who normally go to party there on weekends.

“I have never seen this square so quiet,” Spanish tourist Miguel Gonzalez said as he took pictures.

 ?? CLAUDIA DAUT/REUTERS FILE PHOTO ?? Fidel Castro joins Elian Gonzalez during a political rally to celebrate Elian’s 12th birthday in Cardenas, Cuba, in December 2005.
CLAUDIA DAUT/REUTERS FILE PHOTO Fidel Castro joins Elian Gonzalez during a political rally to celebrate Elian’s 12th birthday in Cardenas, Cuba, in December 2005.

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