Toronto Star

Let’s hope history is not repeating


It seems that many things in history do a repeat cycle about every 80 years. I hate to think that we are on target for another societal unravellin­g evidenced by what we are seeing in the EU, U.K. and the U.S. that’s similar to what happened in the mid-1930s Europe prior to the Second World War.

When 40 to 50 per cent of working people experience a steady 30-year decline in living standards and feel nothing but despair for the future, they often fall for the appeal of a charismati­c strongman (or woman) who promises prosperity and better times. We are seeing a polarizati­on of people that is worsening with more and more of us living in our silos and social media and sneering elites fanning the flames. It’s pretty clear the major cause is increasing income inequality and poverty.

Here in Ontario we are seeing hundreds of thousands of people driven into financial distress, low income status or poverty by an essential public service called electricit­y. Our government can’t even provide the basics of life any more in an affordable manner. Not housing, energy, child care, pharmacare or basic dental care.

Canada is the only western democracy without a food security program. What the hell kind of society are we creating? Water, electricit­y, food, affordable housing and even Internet in today’s world should be considered human rights, not luxuries. And remember that people outside of the bigger cities pay several times more for hydro, and those with electric heat and hot water pay about three times more again. Some 60,000 people had their hydro cut off last year and 600,000 were behind on their bills.

The Ontario government’s answer to everything is more booze — to kill the pain I suppose. Their electricit­y pricing is economic insanity and cruel social policy like nothing I’ve seen in 50 years. A vicious attack on the poor and utterly immoral. As if booze, drugs and gambling weren’t enough. Douglas Porter, Peterborou­gh

In 1989, NDP leader Ed Broadbent introduced a motion to end child poverty by the year 2000. All MPs agreed. That good intention did not last very long.

Two decades later, Sweden felt its poverty rate was too high and initiated a five-year comprehens­ive plan. It resulted in a 60-per-cent reduction — from 3.2 to 1.3 per cent. Taxes are high but as I often heard during a recent visit, “nobody likes that but we see what they do for us in many ways.”

What do we see? The continued lack of political will to fix a shameful problem and an anti-tax attitude.

We mostly beat them in hockey. If we could only transfer a bit of that passion to the care of our children.

Richard Ring, Grimsby, Ont.

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