Toronto Star

Lighten up, it was just a costume party


Re Revelry or Racism? Nov. 24 Looks like it was a fabulous party. Last time I checked, transgress­ing cultural norms by dressing up in silly, over-thetop outfits is the whole point of a costume party. Otherwise, why bother?

The only appropriat­e response to Queen’s University’s self-appointed, pearl-clutching, hyperventi­lating, puritanica­l, fun-hating, finger-wagging, overbearin­g, student bullying, PC Volkspoliz­ei, who seem to get their jollies by taking faux offence at an ever-lengthenin­g list of ostensibly verboten transgress­ions, mostly imaginary, is to tell them, as impolitely as possible, to go *$#@ themselves. They have no business sticking their uninvited, disjointed noses into a private, off-campus party, even if everyone there had shown up, ironically of course, dressed in sheets as Ku Klux Klan members.

What’s next on their totalitari­an agenda: arresting Mr. Dressup for hate crimes? Edward Ozog, Brantford, Ont.

Celeste Yim is a comedian? As such, perhaps she should lighten up a little. “The photos make me sick to my stomach,” she states. If she is so physically offended by a few university kids in shower caps and sombreros at a private party, one shudders to imagine her visceral reaction to some of the real horrors currently at play in the world. Mick Welch, Toronto

Stop, please stop the madness. It was a costume party and maybe stereotypi­ng at the worst, but not racism. Our overthinki­ng, reading something that is not there mentality is killing all the fun in society. So nobody can dress as witches in fear paganists will cast spells on us, or aliens will come down and blow the planet up. It will also ruin the porn industry, which can no longer use sexy librarians or school teachers in fear of lawsuits from them.

This actually hurts progress to stop true racism not help it. I implore to all scientists find me a inhabitabl­e planet, without social media, I can move to ASAP.

Scotty Robinson, Toronto

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