Toronto Star

What Israel can learn from Canada


After a week in Canada, I return home full of respect for your bilingual and multicultu­ral society. I only wish I could find a way to have something similar in the country in which I live — Israel.

Canadians know that Israel has many features of a democracy. The very fact that Arab-Palestinia­n citizens like me can vote and that I was elected to the Israeli parliament is evidence of that.

But Israel defines itself as a “Jewish and democratic state.” The emphasis is definitely on its Jewishness. Equality and full respect for its Palestinia­n minority are not important parts of the Israeli definition of democracy.

I am one of the country’s roughly 1.5 million Arab-Palestinia­n citizens. We are the remnant of the indigenous Palestinia­n people who survived the 1948 War and surroundin­g events, known by Palestinia­ns as al-Nakba (the catastroph­e). We make up about one-fifth of the country’s population today, but we have been excluded from the centres of powers in Israel.

My week in Ottawa showed me concretely that what Israel calls “democracy” is very different from what Canadians call “democracy.” During my visit to your Official Languages Commission, for example, I learned that Canada’s federal government must give services in both official languages. In Israel, by contrast, even though Arabic is an official language, and 20 per cent of the population speaks Arabic, we have no official languages act and no official languages commission. Almost everything is in Hebrew — from parking tickets to court trials.

When I visited your Parliament, I saw that translatio­n allows your MPs to use the official language of their choice. What freedom that must give! In the Israeli Knesset, all debates and documents are exclusivel­y in Hebrew, and no translatio­n is provided. At the Canadian Supreme Court, I learned that Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees equality to all, and that the Supreme Court uses the charter to rectify “systemic discrimina­tion.”

Systemic discrimina­tion against Israel’s Palestinia­n citizens is widespread and too often condoned by the legal system. There is a law against discrimina­tion in employment, of course, but enforcemen­t is lax and can be easily circumvent­ed. As a result, we are far under-represente­d in all the best jobs in Israel and in all public bodies and institutio­ns. Our schools are poor and underfunde­d, and our average incomes are much less than those of Jewish Israelis.

At the University of Ottawa, I learned that under the Canadian Human Rights Act, it is illegal to discrimina­te in renting or buying housing. Unfortunat­ely, there is no similar protection in Israel. Many Israeli apartment owners openly prevent Palestinia­ns from renting or buying. Some rabbis publicly call for excluding “Arabs” from Jewish communitie­s.

As a civil rights lawyer, who has pled cases before Israel’s Supreme Court, I know how little protection we have against these widespread discrimina­tory activities. In some cases, discrimina­tion is actively promoted by law. For example, many Israeli communitie­s are permitted to have “admissions committees,” which decide who they will accept as residents. Under these laws, Palestinia­n citizens are routinely excluded.

I understand, of course, that Canada’s record toward its minorities is not spotless. From my conversati­ons with Sen. Murray Sinclair, of the Truth and Reconcilia­tion Commission, I understand that Canada still has a long way to go in overcoming historical injustices suffered by Canada’s indigenous population. Reconcilia­tion is definitely needed.

At your museum of history, I learned that Canada has systematic­ally obliterate­d the aboriginal names of many landmarks and given European names instead. Israel did the same thing to us, substituti­ng the names that we had used for centuries with new Jewish names instead.

By the end of my visit, I came to have a deep admiration for Canada’s multicultu­ralism. Canada now has a legal framework protecting minority rights, and a culture that sees these protection­s as an integral part of your democracy. Canada has even officially recognized Quebec as a nation. And Canada seems to be taking first steps to reconcile with its indigenous minorities. Many Canadians may not think Canada is perfect, but viewed from the perspectiv­e of a Palestinia­n citizen of Israel, your record in recognizin­g and overcoming discrimina­tion and inequality looks pretty good. It should definitely be exported.

 ??  ?? Dr. Yousef Jabareen is a Palestinia­n citizen of Israel. He was elected to the Israeli Knesset (parliament) on March 2015. He has a PhD in human rights law from Georgetown University in Washington. He came to Canada in October 2016 on a study tour...
Dr. Yousef Jabareen is a Palestinia­n citizen of Israel. He was elected to the Israeli Knesset (parliament) on March 2015. He has a PhD in human rights law from Georgetown University in Washington. He came to Canada in October 2016 on a study tour...

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