Toronto Star

How to reduce your sodium intake

Limit amount of salt added when cooking and stay away from prepackage­d foods


When I look at my daughters, I am struck by their resemblanc­e to other family members but not to each other. One daughter has hazel eyes. Another has blue. And the youngest has green eyes. While my daughters do not look like alike, they share a family health history loaded with high blood pressure, high cholestero­l, diabetes, heart disease and stroke. They cannot change their family history, but they can focus on the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

As a mother and dietitian, reducing sodium in our family’s diet has been a priority. Sodium intake is associated with increased risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke. The average North American eats more than 3,400 milligrams of sodium daily. The American Heart Associatio­n recommends limiting daily sodium intake to less than 1,500 milligrams. The 2015-20 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends limiting daily sodium intake to less than 2,300 milligrams, as does Health Canada. Just one teaspoon of table salt contains approximat­ely 2,300 milligrams of sodium.

Most sodium in the North American diet comes from processed foods, prepackage­d foods and restaurant food. The rest comes from adding sodium in cooking or in seasoning. Sodium is a mineral that naturally occurs in foods.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion is working with food companies and restaurant­s to decrease the amount of sodium in our diet. If you are ready to make changes in your diet to reduce your sodium intake, here are some tips to get you started: Limit salt added during cooking. Take the salt shaker off the table, or taste your food before adding salt.

Check your seasonings for sodium/salt. Flavoured peppers, such as garlic pepper, often contain salt. Look for pepper without salt. Use garlic powder, onion powder, celery powder, or fresh garlic, onion and celery instead of garlic, onion and celery salts. MSG is a flavour enhancer that also contains sodium.

Experiment with herbs and spices for flavour as your taste buds adjust. Don’t forget to try citrus, vinegars or hot sauce.

Try a homemade or purchased salt-free herb/spice blend.

Explore seasonings and recipes featuring flavours from other countries.

Be aware that condiments, such as ketchup, barbecue sauce, chili sauce, soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, dips and dressings are usually high in sodium/ salt. Use these additives sparingly.

Limit portions of pickles, relish and olives.

Limit use of prepackage­d and processed foods. Convenienc­e foods, such as an instant cereal packet, often contain salt. Make your own cooked cereal from scratch.

If you use convenienc­e foods that come with a seasoning packet, consider using your own low-salt seasoning, or use only a portion of the seasoning packet provided. Look for items labelled “low-sodium” or “no salt added.” Aim for products with no more than 200 milligrams of sodium per serving.

Look for vegetables that are fresh, frozen without sauces or canned without added salt. If using a canned vegetable with salt, you can drain and rinse before using. Limit portions of sauerkraut and pickled vegetables.

Check your family recipes and look for ways to decrease salt. Our family lasagna recipe, from the1960s, is high in salt. We now omit added salt, use fresh or no-salt-added tomatoes and decrease the amount of cheese used.

Check family holiday meals for salt. Consider adjusting recipes and menus. Increase use of low-salt vegetables and side dishes, salads and fruits to balance the meal. If your meal includes a favourite, challenge yourself to try a flavourful, but lowersalt version you can enjoy.

Dining out is a common source of salt. Try to order foods prepared without added salt. Order salad dressing on the side and control the amount used. Sauces and gravies also can be ordered on the side. Try to order vegetables, salads and fruits. Limit pickles, olives and salty chips. Use small portions of ketchup or other condiments with salt. Know that processed meats contain high amounts of salt. Plan ahead, and choose low-salt meals and snacks.

No one said reducing sodium intake would be easy. Allow time for your taste buds to adjust to a lowersalt diet. With time, it’s common for people to prefer a lower-salt diet and many indicate former favourite foods now are too salty.

 ?? DEB LINDSEY/THE WASHINGTON POST ?? You can tweak your lasagna recipe to decrease the amount of salt.
DEB LINDSEY/THE WASHINGTON POST You can tweak your lasagna recipe to decrease the amount of salt.

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