Toronto Star

Trump puts torture back on the table

Leaked document proposes return of Guantanamo military trials, CIA ‘black sites’

- Michelle Shephard In Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Permit the use of torture, reopen a network of CIA “black sites” that were closed when Barack Obama took power and send newly captured detainees to this offshore Cuban prison for trial before its controvers­ial war crimes courts.

Those are the possible outcomes if U.S. President Donald Trump endorses what is contained in a leaked draft executive order, essentiall­y returning the U.S. to the days after the 9/11attacks when then-vicepresid­ent Dick Cheney famously stated the need to work through the “dark side.”

The draft of the three-page order — published Wednesday by the New York Times and other news outlets — proposes expanding Guantanamo’s population to include detainees from Daesh, also known as ISIS or ISIL, or members of other “radical Islamist groups.”

Although the origins of the order are unclear, and White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer later told a Washington press briefing that it was not “a White House document,” many of the provisions echo what Trump promised during campaignin­g, including his desire to bring back the torture technique of waterboard­ing and a “hell of a lot worse.”

This proposed return to torture and holding additional Guantanamo military trials was particular­ly poignant for those here defending the five detainees accused of orchestrat­ing the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

They have long complained that Guantanamo’s trials — known as military commission­s — which were establishe­d under the Bush administra­tion and amended under Obama, are undemocrat­ic and ineffectiv­e. They are also a logistical nightmare because of the restricted travel and the fact that these offshore courts known as “Camp Justice” have always been considered a temporary facility, rather than a permanent legal complex with adequate accommodat­ion or offices for lawyers and observers.

“The whole process is extremely brittle. It is easy for trials to come off the rails,” said lawyer James Connell, who represents accused Ammar al Baluchi.

On Wednesday, the first pretrial hearings in 2017 did not exactly come off the rails, but they were delayed — again — because of the absence of defence lawyer Cheryl Bormann, who broke her arm last weekend.

Army Col. James Pohl ordered that hearings, which were scheduled to take place over the next eight days, be postponed until March.

Pohl did, however, allow lawyers to conduct two closed-door sessions, including a Friday morning deposition by Lee Hanson, the elderly father of Peter Hanson, who was killed aboard United Airlines Flight 175 on Sept. 11 with wife Sue Kim Hanson and their 2-year-old daughter, Christine.

Although there is a risk the deposition could be considered inadmissib­le because of Bormann’s absence, the prosecutio­n pushed forward, saying it would rather preserve Hanson’s testimony and not have to ask the grieving 84-year-old father and his wife to make the exhausting trip to Guantanamo again.

The issue of torture at the so-called black sites — secret interrogat­ion centres that the CIA operated outside the rules of war establishe­d by the Geneva Convention­s — is intricatel­y linked to these proceeding­s; the legacy of torture is one of the reasons this trial has been so difficult to conduct. All five accused were held and tortured at black sites, and the government has closely guarded classified documents pertaining to their treatment.

All hearings held here are subject to a 40-second delay between what is said in court and what is broadcast in the gallery where journalist­s, human rights observers and relatives of 9/11 victims sit — which makes for a jarring viewing experience akin to watching a badly dubbed foreign film.

Prosecutor­s have said the delay is needed to prevent sensitive classified material from being disclosed, but defence lawyers have noted that previous mentions of the CIA’s use of torture would trigger censors to cut the audio feed.

The legal battle to uncover exactly what happened in these facilities — and how that may affect the accused cases — goes beyond this case. Although a 500-page executive summary of the U.S. Senate intelligen­ce committee’s investigat­ion into the CIA torture program was published in 2014, the Obama administra­tion fought the release of the full 6,700page report. There is fear that the Trump administra­tion would out- right destroy the report.

Among other revelation­s, it is already known that Khalid Sheikh Mohamed, the alleged architect of the 9/11 attacks and Al Qaeda’s former No. 3, was waterboard­ed 183 times in CIA custody, while alleged Saudi financier Mustafa Ahmad al Hawsawi was subjected to “rectal rehydratio­n.”

Hawsawi, who has undergone two rectal surgeries, including a recent one in Cuba his lawyer says was needed as the result of “sodomy” but a prison doctor said was to treat hemorrhoid­s, sat in court Wednesday on a pillow, as he always does during hearings. There may not be much sympathy for the treatment of the 9/11 accused, but the possibilit­y that Obama’s ban on “enhanced interrogat­ion techniques,” which in many cases was a euphemism for torture, could be overturned by Trump elicited a strong reaction in Washington.

As is increasing­ly the case now, that led to a political Twittersto­rm of dissent:

Arizona Republican Sen. John McCain, who endured torture as a prisoner of war in Vietnam and is a consistent opponent of its practice, tweeted that Trump “can sign whatever executive orders he likes, but the law is the law — we’re not bringing back torture.”

Adam Schiff, a Democratic representa­tive from California and ranking member of the House intelligen­ce committee, wrote: “Torture doesn’t work. Intelligen­ce Community and military both agree. Stop watching 24 on TV, and start listening to General Mattis,” referencin­g the popular television series where Kiefer Sutherland’s character frequently saves the day by torturing suspects and new Defence Secretary James Mattis’s stated opposition to torture.

Rand Paul told CNN, “I’m alarmed by anybody that wants to go back to torture.”

Well, Trump seems to, according to an interview with ABC News Wednesday afternoon: “Yes, absolutely,” he said on whether he believes torture works, and cited Daesh’s atrocities as a reason to waterboard detainees. “We have to fight fire with fire.”

Pragmatic, ethical and moral concerns aside, Connell highlighte­d how the use of torture in the days after 9/11 has made these trials virtually impossible.

“Any attempt to reinstate torture, redefine Geneva Convention responsibi­lities or to use the military commission­s authority more robustly has failed to learn from the lessons of the past,” Connell said Wednesday.

“Torture makes criminal cases virtually impossible to prosecute. In fact, it’s fair to say that torture and due process are mutually exclusive.”

“Torture makes criminal cases virtually impossible to prosecute.” JAMES CONNELL LAWYER, REPRESENTI­NG AMMAR AL BALUCHI

 ?? DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? U.S. President Donald Trump speaks Wednesday at the Department of Homeland Security in Washington.
DOUG MILLS/THE NEW YORK TIMES U.S. President Donald Trump speaks Wednesday at the Department of Homeland Security in Washington.
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, accused in the 9/11 attacks, was waterboard­ed 183 times in CIA custody.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, accused in the 9/11 attacks, was waterboard­ed 183 times in CIA custody.

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