Toronto Star

Mexico ’stunned’

Former Mexican president Fox blasts Spicer on Twitter with stinging retort


President signs executive order authorizin­g constructi­on of border wall. Mexico says it won’t pay for it. Will the U.S. Congress?

Fear and humiliatio­n turned to anger and betrayal Wednesday in Mexico as U.S. President Donald Trump made good on his campaign threats against a neighbour and ally of nearly 100 years.

Trump signed two executive orders Wednesday, the first authorizin­g the constructi­on of his promised wall along the Mexican border, and the second blocking federal grants to socalled sanctuary cities that don’t arrest illegal immigrants. The orders also call for 10,000 additional immigratio­n officers and 5,000 Border Patrol agents.

The move, which is a dramatic shift in U.S. immigratio­n policy, was not unexpected but the timing caught Mexico off guard, coming just days before President Enrique Pena Nieto is due to meet Trump at the White House.

“We are stunned,” said Agustin Barrios Gomez, a former Mexican congressma­n and co-chair for North America of the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations.

“There is a consensus building that we don’t want to negotiate under threat. American national security and prosperity directly depend on a stable and co-operative Mexico.”

Mexicans across the political spectrum called for Pena, who has never agreed to pay for the wall, to cancel his Jan. 31 visit. So far the leader, whose approval ratings are below 25 per cent, has opted for conciliati­on over confrontat­ion.

Trump’s orders give the Department of Homeland Security six months to deliver a report detailing how to build the wall, which will be initially funded by money from Congress.

Trump continues to insist Mexico will repay the estimated $8-billion cost of the 1,600-kilometre wall through a variety of means, including increasing fees on visa applicatio­ns, charging more for border crossing cards and/or taxing remittance­s of Mexican-Americans.

The second order broadens the definition of who immigratio­n agents can apprehend and deport within the U.S., allowing agents to adopt a broader definition of “criminal.”

Although Pena didn’t officially respond Wednesday, top-ranking officials threatened to pull out of negotiatio­ns over the reworking of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) if Trump continues to insist Mexico fund the wall project.

“There are very clear red lines that have to be drawn,” Ildefonso Guajardo, secretary of the economy, told Televisa on Tuesday.

“It’s a question of respecting sovereignt­y.” Guajardo travelled to Washington on Wednesday with Mexico’s foreign minister.

Vicente Fox, a former Mexican president, was much more forthright, tweeting to Trump’s press sec- retary: “Sean Spicer, I’ve said this to @realDonald­Trump and now I’ll tell you: Mexico is not going to pay for that f---ing wall.”

Jorge Castaneda, a former foreign minister, told the New York Times: “It’s like we are Charlie Brown and they are Lucy with the football. Pena is a weak president in a weak country at a weak moment, but he has to find a way to get some official backbone.”

The U.S. may have as much to lose as Mexico if the countries stop cooperatin­g on trade and national security, including drug smuggling and migration.

NAFTA, which includes Canada, is the world’s largest trade agreement and the region is an interdepen­dent global supply chain where parts often cross borders several times while products are assembled.

More than six million jobs in the U.S. depend on Mexico.

Fully 40 cents of every dollar the U.S. imports from Mexico comes from content produced in America.

Mexico would have liked to present a common front with Canada in any NAFTA renegotiat­ions, but that is unlikely to happen, experts say. Canada does not share the same border and security issues.

“Canada doesn’t see common cause with Mexico and has a long history of looking out for itself,” noted Ted Alden, a trade expert with the Council on Foreign Relations and author of Failure to Adjust: How Americans Got Left Behind in the Global Economy.

Canada also does not have a trade surplus with the U.S., while Mexico does.

Trump has not clearly explained how tearing up NAFTA will create jobs. Although some manufactur­ing jobs were lost to free trade, many were eliminated because of automation and improved productivi­ty.

The U.S. should have focused more on retraining workers, cutting corporate taxes, investing in infrastruc­ture and helping workers hurt by import competitio­n, Alden said.

 ?? PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? U.S. President Donald Trump signed executive orders Wednesday giving the green light to the Mexican border wall project.
PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. President Donald Trump signed executive orders Wednesday giving the green light to the Mexican border wall project.

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