Toronto Star

Transgende­r activists herald landmark case

Federal government reviews the use of sex informatio­n for all identity documents


In what transgende­r rights activists are calling a “landmark” developmen­t, the Canadian government has settled a human rights case that could pave the way for gender markers to be scrubbed from passports, birth certificat­es and other identity documents.

Ottawa is also undertakin­g a government-wide review to assess how it collects and uses sex and gender informatio­n — a move that advocates for transgende­r rights are hailing as a major victory in the fight to remove “male” and “female” markers from identity documents.

“To my knowledge, this would be like a world first, for a government to proceed to review all of its gendering practices,” said barbara findlay, a lawyer and member of the GenderFree ID Coalition, an advocacy group calling for gender-neutral identity documents. (findlay spells her name with lowercase letters.) “It’s a seismic shift in the way that we understand what gender means and how we should be using it.”

Wednesday’s announceme­nt caps a five-year battle launched by findlay’s client, 32-year-old Torontonia­n Christin Milloy, who was repeatedly denied in her attempts to update the gender informatio­n associated with her social insurance number (SIN).

In January 2012, the transgende­r activist and web developer filed a human rights complaint against Employment and Social Developmen­t Canada (then known as Human Re- sources and Skills Developmen­t Canada), which oversees the SIN register.

Asettlemen­t was reached last week. Although its terms are confidenti­al, an exception was made for some details to be publicized.

“As a government, we feel that this settlement is a step in the right direction,” said Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Developmen­t, in a statement posted online. “My department is committed to reviewing its data collection to determine when it is justifiabl­e to ask an individual for their gender as a condition of receiving a government service or for other legitimate purposes.”

In the settlement, ESDC acknowledg­ed that personally identifiab­le sex and gender informatio­n can be collected from Canadians only if there are “legitimate purposes” for doing so. It remains unclear how “legitimate purposes” will be defined, but Milloy believes the acknowledg­ement is “revolution­ary.”

“Now the onus is on government to prove why they need the data,” she said.

Since Milloy filed her complaint, the ESDC has stopped requesting supporting documentat­ion from people looking to change the gender associated with their SIN.

The government department is also changing its procedures to let people opt out of responding to sex or gender questions. It will further provide at least three options — male, female and a third option — when the question is asked.

“We are encouraged by this change, and we hope that all government­s in Canada are inspired to remove gender markers (“male or female”) on documents wherever possible, and make any remaining markers more gender inclusive,” Marie-Claude Landry, chief commission­er of the Canadian Human Rights Commission, said in a written statement.

“What it comes down to is the ability for people to choose how they define themselves and under what circumstan­ces. There is nothing more unique or personal than our identity and gender.”

Gender markers can be fraught for people who are transgende­r, gender fluid or have a non-binary gender identity. The wrong gender on a driver’s licence can “out” someone as transgende­r — making them vulnerable to discrimina­tion or transphobi­c violence — and the letters “M” and “F” fail to accurately represent people who identify as both or neither.

Current processes to change gender informatio­n can also be onerous, expensive or invasive.

Although some have proposed adding an “X” option to identity docu- ments, the Gender-Free ID Coalition argues that “in our transphobi­c society, a third option puts a target on the forehead” of people who are gender diverse. Furthermor­e, they don’t see how a government can verify someone’s sex (not only are some people intersex, biological sex is now understood to comprise a variety of factors, like chromosome­s, genitalia and secondary sex characteri­stics) or gender identity (which can be fluid and reflects how someone feels inside). They prefer a different solution: eliminatin­g gender markers altogether.

“You wouldn’t be entitled to ask somebody’s race, sexual orientatio­n or religion — and gender is exactly the same,” findlay said.

She said the routine practice of asking for gender informatio­n dates back to a time when “men and women had utterly different rights” — for example, when women were prohibited from owning property, voting, or marrying other women.

“But those legalized inequaliti­es are gone,” she said. “There is no longer a reason to maintain that informatio­n.”

Transgende­r rights activists don’t oppose the collection of de-personaliz­ed gender informatio­n for census surveys and demographi­c research. Lawyer Nicole Nussbaum says the goal is to push for “deliberate and purposeful collection of informatio­n.”

The government-wide review is aimed at achieving just that, according to Edmonton Centre MP Randy Boissonnau­lt, the special adviser to the prime minister on LGBTQ issues.

He said the review will try to understand how sex and gender data are collected and used, and where such data might be necessary for informing policy and funding decisions. He said Canadians with gender-diverse identities are also poorly represente­d in datasets, something he hopes to see fixed.

 ?? STEVE RUSSELL/TORONTO STAR ?? Christin Milloy, a transgende­r activist and web developer from Toronto, filed her human rights complaint against Employment and Social Developmen­t Canada in 2012.
STEVE RUSSELL/TORONTO STAR Christin Milloy, a transgende­r activist and web developer from Toronto, filed her human rights complaint against Employment and Social Developmen­t Canada in 2012.

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