Toronto Star

The two faces of Kevin O’Leary


Re Blustering of days past: O’Leary’s views,

unadorned, Jan. 21 In the last week the Star has detailed two opposite Kevin O’Learys. One who would like to bust unions (Jennifer Wells); the other who says he would like to make unions more “efficient.”

Can we really believe O’Leary suddenly wants unions to better represent workers (i.e. more gains) while saving money through efficiency? Both would make his nemesis more powerful.

He has started off following his idol’s path: he and Trump believe in lying big to fool ordinary workers. Let’s take a lesson from Trump and put the label “lying Kevin” on this impostor. Will Presley, North Bay It is wonderful that Mr. O’Leary’s primary goal is to “go to bed richer than when he woke up in the morning.” The question now is, how many Canadians will be going to bed poorer because of Mr. O’Leary’s obsession with putting more money into his own already bulging pocket? Herb Alexander, Thornhill O’Leary espouses on corporate social responsibi­lity, “Social consciousn­ess, that’s ridiculous. Businesses do not have a social conscience.” So, as Mr. O-soLeary clearly states, Citizens United is just a con, and why under their newly crowned “Orange Hitler,” the U.S. should repeal Citizens United immediatel­y.

He’s an astute U.S. businessma­n. The U.S. business elites should listen to him. Richard Kadziewicz, Scarboroug­h My fervent hope is that the media do not treat O’Leary’s campaign as a joke or give him the excess coverage that he so craves. We see how that worked out in the U.S where Trump used that free publicity to prey on the fears and prejudices of people who bought into his fake message of doom and gloom and false promises.

Canadians should never allow opportunis­tic politician­s with messages of divide and conquer, and racial overtures to gain a foothold in our political system. The media has a responsibl­e role to play and should not promote sensationa­lism and lies at the expense of truth. Mort Achaia, Brampton

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