Toronto Star

No hugs — just handshakes

President, PM find ‘common ground’ on trade, while Trudeau signals differing values on immigrants


WASHINGTON— Prime Minister Justin Trudeau left Washington after half a day of meetings with President Donald Trump with the only souvenir that counted: Trump’s clear signal that Canada is not in his crosshairs on trade or border security.

With Trudeau at his side, Trump told a nationally televised news conference that he regarded America’s northern neighbour as a trusted and valued ally on trade, economic and military matters. The U.S. president indicated for the first time that he is not seeking major changes to the Canada-U.S. trade relationsh­ip.

“We have a very outstandin­g trade relationsh­ip with Canada,” Trump said. “We’ll be tweaking it.”

“We’ll be doing certain things that are going to benefit both of our countries. It’s a much less severe situation than what’s taking place on the southern border.”

It was the first reassuring signal to Canadian politician­s, businesses and consumers worried about the possible impact of new tariffs from a politician who rode to power on a wave of populist discontent and a vow to enact a new protection­ist agenda to return jobs to the U.S.

Trump has railed against NAFTA, a deal he has called the worst in U.S. history, since the beginning of his campaign. But it was unclear until Monday whether he was unhappy only with the Mexico side of the agreement or had major concerns about the Canada side as well.

“That was the major takeaway,” said a senior Canadian official. “That’s what we were after.”

The official said all the legwork done by teams of aides on both sides had paid off because on Monday “there were no surprises in the room.”

In part, Trudeau came here determined to find “common ground” with Trump, and the prime minister suggested he had done just that.

When pressed by reporters to compare his relationsh­ip to Trump with his relationsh­ip with Barack Obama, Trudeau acknowledg­ed difference­s, but said he was able to discuss with Trump the fact that security and immigratio­n “need to work very well together.”

“Certainly Canada has emphasized security as we look toward improving our immigratio­n system and remaining true to the values that we have. And we had a very strong and fruitful discussion on exactly that.

“There’s plenty that we can draw on each other from, in terms of how we move forward with a very similar goal, which is to create free, open societies that keep our citizens safe. And that’s certainly something that we’re very much in agreement on.”

Trudeau, who has been urged by the NDP and others to be more vocal in criticizin­g Trump, was given an opportunit­y when an American reporter asked him for his opinion on Trump’s travel ban on people from seven majority-Muslim countries. But he demurred, saying, “The last thing Canadians expect is for me to come down and lecture another country on how they chose to govern themselves.”

On the other side, Trump, known for his unpredicta­bility and meandering asides in such settings, stuck to a written text filled with the kind of fond words Obama and other previous presidents have offered about Canada.

“It is my honour to host such a great friend, neighbour and ally at the White House,” Trump said.

“Our two nations share much more than a border. We share the same values. We share the love — a truly great love — of freedom. And we share a collective defence.” He said a special friendship is forged when “two nations have shed blood together.”

Indeed, during bilateral meetings the Canadian and U.S. officials talked about internatio­nal security concerns, including Trump’s vow to ensure that NATO allies spend 2 per cent of their economic output on military spending. The Canadian official said both Trump and his defence secretary, retired general James Mattis, made clear that “the 2-per-cent thing is a target” and that they understood that “not all countries (calculate) it the same way.”

Indeed, Mattis was said to have told those gathered in three separate meetings that Canadian Armed Forces were known for their ethical leadership on the battlefiel­d and it’s “why people will follow” Canada’s military in conflict zones.

From the outset, the two leaders whose parties and world views appear diametrica­lly at odds, seemed set to have a cordial meeting, with brisk handshakes that didn’t veer off into the comedic, and extended bilateral sit-downs with all of their top aides.

The Canadian official said it was “an enormous relief to have this go well.”

From their first phone call after Trump’s election, Trudeau had impressed upon Trump — and reiterated it behind closed doors Monday — that the U.S. president would have 10,000 problems every day on his desk but “Canada was never going to be one of those problems and if anything we can be partners in solving them,” the official said.

Trump was well-briefed on the issues, and part of the goal on the Canadian side, according to the official, was to show Canadians that Trump was not antagonist­ic toward Canada, contrary to speculatio­n the two leaders would not be able to get along.

Trump declined to sound any notes of concern about trade in the joint written statement he issued with Trudeau, which emphasized the mu- tual benefits of economic integratio­n. And in his comments at the news conference, he made a call for even more trade, a significan­t departure from his rhetoric from the beginning of the campaign.

“We understand that both of our countries are stronger when we join forces in matters of internatio­nal commerce,” Trump told reporters in the lavish East Room of the White House.

“Having more jobs and trade right here in North America is better for both the United States; it is also much better for Canada. We should co-ordinate closely, and we will coordinate closely.”

The other big play by the Canadians that clearly clicked with Trump was a proposal that Trudeau’s chief of staff, Katie Telford, and Trump adviser Dina Powell came up with was that the two leaders hold a business roundtable with Canadian and American female executives, and launch a business council to promote women entreprene­urs. Trump, who was dogged on the campaign trail by allegation­s of sexual assault and sexism, was clearly delighted.

Trump praised the gathering of “very strong women,” and pointed to his daughter, Ivanka. He said they were going to do “great things” to improve the conditions for women in the workforce, and the two leaders announced the newly formed U.S. Canada council for advancemen­t of women entreprene­urs and business leaders. It is aimed at promoting the growth of women-owned enterprise­s, according to Canadian officials.

“We put him in a situation where he could talk comfortabl­y about an issue that has caused him some trouble in the past and that’s always a good thing,” the Canadian official said.

“There’s plenty that we can draw on each other from, in terms of how we move forward with a very similar goal.” PRIME MINISTER JUSTIN TRUDEAU


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