Toronto Star

Getting the upper hand in U.S. relations

Body language expert says PM holds his own in greetings with the king of awkward handshakes


It’s clear Canadians were watching Justin Trudeau and Donald Trump’s first official meeting intently Monday morning, but who had the upper hand?

Trump, who is fast becoming the poster boy for awkward handshakes after an agonizing 19-second-long handshake with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, is said to be self-conscious about how his hands are perceived.

Trudeau stepped out of his motorcade at the White House and immediatel­y shook Trump’s hand. This was to his benefit, according to Mark Bowden, an expert in human behaviour and body language who created the company Truth- plane, a communicat­ion training company. Trudeau and Trump were in close quarters, meaning the president couldn’t pull the prime minister in and force him off balance, something Trump often does to assert dominance, Bowden said. Mercifully, the shake only lasted for about six seconds.

“I think Trudeau for sure held his own,” Bowden said.

“There’s no doubt looking at Trump’s behaviour with others that he has a personalit­y that needs to show dominance.”

But Trump wasn’t done. He placed his hand on top of Trudeau’s shoulder, another show of dominance, according to Bowden. Trudeau responded in turn, placing his hand on Trump’s arm.

“So not as dominant a gesture,” Bowden said. “He didn’t reply entirely in balance with the amount of dominance that Trump was getting on that first handshake.”

Later, while seated, they shook hands again for approximat­ely two seconds. This time, Trudeau may have come out on top.

“What’s interestin­g is Trump actually offers Trudeau the upper hand,” Bowden said.

“He placed his hand out so Trudeau’s could only go on top of his, which can only be shown as dominant.”

Trudeau also leaned into the handshake, “encroachin­g on Trump’s territory,” Bowden said. But that’s not to say the president didn’t make his presence known.

“Trump is just trying to fill the territory that he has,” Bowden said. “You can see him spreading his legs within his chair space, leaning down onto his knees with his arms to look like he’s bigger and taking up more space.”

“I wonder who will play Trump in the heritage minute about ‘The Handshake,’ ” Canadian writer Stephen Marche tweeted.

“That handshake. Wow. My faith in Trudeau has been restored,” a Twitter user from Mississaug­a, Rob Ditta, added.

 ?? AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau eyes the extended hand of U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday. Above, Japan PM Shinzo Abe’s eye-rolling moment.
AFP/GETTY IMAGES Prime Minister Justin Trudeau eyes the extended hand of U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday. Above, Japan PM Shinzo Abe’s eye-rolling moment.

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