Toronto Star

Revealing moments from meeting day


A mutual non-aggression pact Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s steadfast refusal to criticize U.S. President Donald Trump made news even in America. But just as notable was Trump’s refusal to criticize Trudeau.

The president, the world’s leading advocate of revenge, was impassive even when prodded on live television.

Asked a question about the Canadian border and Trudeau’s acceptance of Syrian refugees, Trump touted his efforts to deport illegal immigrants — mostly Hispanics who live far from the 49th parallel.

It was a dodge. But it was a dodge that suggested Trump would not attempt to exact retributio­n against a Liberal who has taken unsubtle passive-aggressive jabs at him. A fair shake Vladimir Putin has the shirtless horseback ride. Donald Trump has the intense handshake. At 70, the alpha-grip is how a president obsessed with dominance shows off his physical prowess. Trudeau, former drama teacher, came prepared for the performanc­e, suitably impressing the community of Internet people who care about handshakes.

But it was not the prime minister’s counter-vigour that went viral. It was a photo, taken just before their second handshake, that seemed to show Trudeau looking disdainful­ly at Trump’s extended hand.

The freeze-frame was irresistib­le. It was also misleading. The video shows that Trudeau took a halfsecond to notice Trump’s open palm, then quickly took it with a smile. Flynn forgotten One of the key stories out of the joint news conference was about what wasn’t asked: a question to Trump about National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, embattled over reports that he discussed sanctions against Russia with Russia’s ambassador before Trump took office, then lied about this to the media and to the vice-president. “HOW IS THERE NO FLYNN QUESTION!?!?!?!?!” MSNBC host Christo- pher Hayes wrote on Twitter.

Answer: The White House made sure there was no Flynn question.

The Canadian and American media contingent­s each got to ask two questions. The Canadians drew names from someone’s palm to decide which two reporters got to do the asking. The American interlocut­ors, though, were selected by Trump officials. They were both from Trump-friendly outlets. They both asked softballs. Almost normal “We’re guided by the same values,” president Barack Obama said when welcoming Trudeau to the White House last year. “We share the same values,” Trump said beside Trudeau on Monday. “Americans and Canadians — our brave men and women in uniform — have paid the price together,” Obama said. “American and Canadian troops have gone to battle together, fought wars together,” Trump said.

There was weird handshake drama. The tone was not especially warm. There was a Trumpian ramble-boast about his victory in the electoral college. (“Very, very large.”) But the day was notable for its boring convention­ality. Trump’s banal prepared remarks could have been ripped from any president’s speech about Canada from the past 30 years. Ivanka in charge The Canadians had a stroke of inspiratio­n: Get in Trump’s good books with a kind of favour for his daughter.

The executives who were part of a White House discussion on female business leaders praised the joint initiative, saying it could concentrat­e attention on a crucial subject.

But its most significan­t short-term outcome was good attention for Brand Ivanka, suffering through a run of bad press related to her father.

Ivanka impressed the participat­ing businesswo­men with her thoughts on the cause. (“Progressiv­e,” one said later.)

And then, after they left the building, she advertised herself — tweeting a photo of her sitting at the president’s desk, a progressiv­e prime minister behind her.

 ?? SAUL LOEB/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ivanka Trump, daughter of U.S. President Donald Trump, participat­ed in a roundtable discussion on female business leaders.
SAUL LOEB/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ivanka Trump, daughter of U.S. President Donald Trump, participat­ed in a roundtable discussion on female business leaders.

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