Toronto Star

The seven Ls of good conversati­on

Keep your table from falling into awkward silence between courses


Avoid politics or religion at the dinner table, it used to be said.

How dull. The recent U.S. election provided months of lively conversati­on for me and my meal guests as I reviewed restaurant­s for the Toronto Star during the campaign.

You, understand­ably, may not want to go there for your next dinner party. It’s safer to stick to topics such as crazy Toronto real-estate prices, frustratin­g Toronto traffic snarls and good ol’ celebrity gossip.

As the Star’s restaurant critic, I entertain designated eaters. That means holding up my end of a two-hour conversati­on. I’m told I do it well. Whatever the topic, hosts and guests can foster stimulatin­g and engaging discussion with the following tips. Loosen up Never ask strangers what they do or how they know the host. Those facts will come out eventually. Break the ice instead by asking, “How did you get here?” The answer will likely be a good story given our transporta­tion issues.

Some hosts coax shy guests with an icebreaker; they ask everyone in turn to share a phobia or their dream vacation. In a one-on-one format, I’ve found that sincere compliment­s tend to draw people out. So do open-ended questions. People love talking about themselves. Localize Once settled, focus your conversati­on on those immediatel­y beside you. This prevents distractin­g crosstalk and keeps the room’s volume manageable.

Think of young Princess Elizabeth in Netflix’s The Crown, being taught by her governess to speak to the person on her right for the entire first course then switch to the person on her left for the next. By the time she sets off to her first state dinner, it’s old hat. (Or antique tiara, really.)

Should you be stuck beside a dud, take brief breaks from the table by offering to clear the dishes. Laugh A blithe spirit makes the evening more fun. At the Star’s dinner party, we found the humour in pet Instagrams, personaltr­aining confession­s and past mishaps when opening bottles of wine.

It wasn’t the Algonquin Round Table, but we had a few good laughs.

Star food writer Karon Liu said before our dinner that he’d challenge our etiquette expert, Karen Cleveland, by bringing up people’s salaries (thankfully, he was joking). Listen Nobody likes a blowhard, so stop talking and start listening. Actively attend your conversati­onal partners. Smile. Nod. Keep an open mind.

And if you hear something you find weird or uncomforta­ble or boring, just do as Charles MacPherson does.

As Charles the Butler — an etiquette expert and author of The Butler Speaks — MacPherson is an expert at face-saving solutions.

“You say, ‘That’s really interestin­g,’ and change the subject,” MacPherson told the Star. “You can agree to disagree.” Limit What you think is sparkling repartee could actually be drunken rambling. Know when to stop imbibing.

Not that I recommend teetotalli­ng (except for designated drivers). A drink or two helps calm the nerves.

“If you’re a grown-up, I don’t think you have to act like, ‘Oh, no, no, no, none for me’ . . . You should just be yourself, but not act like a jack--s,” actress Megan Mul- lally recently advised about making a good impression over dinner. Lead Take the lead and propose a friendly story competitio­n. (But not involving shots of alcohol, as above.)

Worst Travel Tale or Most Embarrassi­ng High School Moment would do the trick. So would Biggest Parenting Fail.

Even sad tales, well told, can be suitable dinner-party fodder.

Think of the scene in Notting Hill when the guests take turns going around the table competing for the remaining brownie.

The winner gets bragging rights. Or the last brownie. Learn If all else fails, take a page from the Kennedy family playbook: Turn to current events.

“Do you know that every night at dinner, the Kennedy clan would sit around the table having lively debates about everything under the sun? They would quiz each other about current events, historical facts, intellectu­al trivia,” Emily Gilmore marvels in Gilmore Girls.

I did squirrel away a few topics should the Star dinner party grow awkwardly silent, but our conversati­on was seamless.

 ?? SAEED ADYANI/NETFLIX ?? Gilmore Girls’ Emily Gilmore, middle, thought the Kennedys knew how to best converse over dinner: They quizzed each other on history facts, intellectu­al trivia and current events.
SAEED ADYANI/NETFLIX Gilmore Girls’ Emily Gilmore, middle, thought the Kennedys knew how to best converse over dinner: They quizzed each other on history facts, intellectu­al trivia and current events.
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