Toronto Star

Peel cop billed for overtime while watching child porn

Officer pleads guilty to fraud and breach of trust


A veteran Peel Regional Police officer who investigat­ed sex crimes against children and most recently headed up the technologi­cal crimes unit has admitted to watching 241 child pornograph­y videos stored as evidence from police investigat­ions.

Former detective Craig Wattier, 52, who had been on the force for 30 years, was charged in May 2015 with five counts relating to fraud, possession of child pornograph­y and accessing child pornograph­y.

He pleaded guilty Tuesday to two of those charges — breach of trust for using his position as the tech crimes unit supervisor to access a special electronic evidence vault containing seized child pornograph­y, and fraud for falsely claiming $28,000 in overtime, paid duty and concurrent payments from the police and the Criminal Intelligen­ce Service of Ontario.

The remaining charges were withdrawn.

According to the agreed statement of facts filed with the court, Wattier accessed 750 files related to child sexualabus­e material.

Of those, 241 meet the criminal standard for child pornograph­y according to the police, though other videos would be classified by investigat­ors as “age difficult” or “child nudity.”

He sometimes claimed overtime for hours it was later discovered he spent watching these videos.

Only officers working in the child exploitati­on unit and in the technologi­cal crimes unit have access to the server where the sensitive material is stored.

Wattier was not trained to do computer analysis and did no work that would require him to view these videos, prosecutor Allison Dellandrea said.

The first time the videos were accessed was in May 2013, the first week Wattier became the administra­tive supervi- sor of the technologi­cal crimes unit.

He spent 38 minutes viewing videos on that day after his shift ended.

Five videos were chosen as a representa­tive sample of the five hours and forty minutes of videos watched by Wattier on eleven days between 2013 and 2015, according to the agreed statement of facts.

The content of each video, depicting the sexual abuse of young children, both male and female, was described to the court in graphic detail.

They were played for the judge only on a laptop in the courtroom as Wattier sat, eyes downcast, with his family seated behind him.

Ontario Court Justice Katherine McLeod, who bit her knuckles as she watched the videos, later explained she watched the videos in the public courtroom so that her reaction to them could be observed.

“(Wattier) flagrantly abused the trust placed in him as a public officer, particular­ly his duty to the most vulnerable.” ALLISON DELLANDREA PROSECUTOR

Dellandrea argued a sentence of 18 months to two years in jail is appropriat­e.

Wattier has repaid the $28,000 he fraudulent­ly obtained over a period of 11 years, she said.

He also returned a high-end Nikon camera and iPhone 6 he bought with police funds, she said.

Wattier “flagrantly abused the trust placed in him as a public officer, particular­ly his duty to the most vulnerable,” Dellandrea said in her submission­s on sentencing.

Dellandrea noted that it was only through the investigat­ion of the overtime fraud that it was discovered Wattier was accessing the child pornograph­y videos.

“His conduct at this moment remains completely unexplaine­d,” she said.

She added that Wattier does not need to provide an explanatio­n. But, she continued “the conduct in and of itself is inexplicab­le.”

“The normal human response to material like this is revulsion,” she said. “And there was none of that displayed.”

“It leaves a very large elephant in the room as to why . . . is there any explanatio­n that can be offered?” McLeod said to Wattier’s defence lawyer Kevin McCallum during his submission­s.

She said Wattier’s mental-health issues and stress cited by the defence seem to be as a result of the charges and a death in the family. They do nothing to explain Wattier’s actions, she said.

McCallum said he is not able to provide an explanatio­n. When asked by McLeod whether he wanted to address the court and specifical­ly his motivation for viewing the videos, Wattier declined.

“I have nothing to say,” he said quietly.

Approached by the Star after court, he also refused to comment.

McCallum argued that a conditiona­l sentence of one year for Wattier is appropriat­e and would allow for community service.

He noted that Wattier entered an early guilty plea and did not plead guilty to a child pornograph­y-related charge.

As a result he will not be put on the sex offender registry or subject to a mandatory minimum sentence.

McCallum told the court Wattier is “sorry about the shame he has brought on his family and the shame he has brought on the police.”

McCallum added that Wattier has been “completely ostracized” from the police fraternity, which is a lifelong punishment.

He said Wattier, who was suspended with pay until he resigned from the Peel Regional Police Service on Nov. 30, 2016, is now essentiall­y unemployab­le.

“Peel Regional Police are extremely disappoint­ed with Wattier’s actions. He was entrusted with supervisor­y privileges that provided him access to sensitive files and informatio­n, and he abused that trust,” spokes- person Sgt. Josh Colley said in an email.

In a statement, Peel police Chief Jennifer Evans said “it is shocking to think that Mr. Wattier breached his oath of office in such a manner. I am appalled by his actions.”

A comprehens­ive review of all the tech crimes unit investigat­ions under Wattier’s tenure was conducted by Peel police, Colley said.

The review determined that none of the cases before the courts were impacted, he said.

An internal audit of the tech crimes unit was also done and new procedures have been put in place to prevent this happening again, he also said.

McLeod will deliver her sentencing decision on March 20.

 ?? ANDREW FRANCIS WALLACE/TORONTO STAR ?? Former detective Craig Wattier has been “completely ostracized” from the police fraternity, his lawyer says.
ANDREW FRANCIS WALLACE/TORONTO STAR Former detective Craig Wattier has been “completely ostracized” from the police fraternity, his lawyer says.

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