Toronto Star

Practical ways to ease hydro burden


Re Politician­s can’t make electricit­y cheap again,

Feb. 23 With all due respect to Bruce Lourie, perhaps politician­s can’t make Ontario’s electricit­y cheap again, but they can do a couple of things to ease the burden.

One is to let every home and business owner in the province mount solar panels and sell electricit­y back. Not at inflated prices as in the microfit program, but on a straight one-for-one basis. In other words, let the meter spin backward when the homeowner is making excess electricit­y with their solar panels. This would create jobs galore across the province installing solar panels on every roof. Who wouldn’t want to participat­e?

The second thing is to let western Ontario buy cheaper hydro from Manitoba and eastern Ontario from Quebec, a little free trade between provinces for a change.

The electricit­y consumers of Ontario will benefit and Hydro One and Ontario Power Generation will see a decrease in profit, but that is the chance they take when they run a monopoly for profit and not for the benefit of the consumers. Kurt Crist, Consecon, Ont. Nowhere in his article does Bruce Lourie mention that the ongoing privatizat­ion of electricit­y in Ontario could be a possible contributi­ng factor for rate increases. As a member of the Harris transition committee, he should understand that introducin­g private profit is a significan­t contributo­r for rate increases. Sir Adam “public power at cost” Beck warned us about the threat of privatizat­ion decades ago. Ted Turner, Toronto

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