Toronto Star

My boyfriend doesn’t enjoy sex

- Ellie

I’ve been dating this really sweet guy for 18 months. He doesn’t like sex, he’s happy only doing it once a month and he won’t try different positions.

I like sex and love trying different ways. My ex of seven years ago is also in a sexless marriage.

We started hooking up just for sex and it’s awesome.

But part of me feels really guilty because I’ve always been against cheaters and now I’m doing it.

I do care for this guy, but I also need good sex. Which Choice? Neither. You and your ex have found a mutual solution, but it won’t last.

It can’t because your boyfriend will be hurt/angry/mortified and end the relationsh­ip. You’ll then want more than someone else’s husband for occasional sex.

You’ll want a committed partner in more than sex. The realistic choices: 1. Tell your guy you need a more frequent and adventures­ome sex life.

If he’s interested in staying together, he should try boosting his libido (e.g. reading sex manuals together for arousal, seeing a sex therapist, etc.). Or accept that you’re not a long-term match.

2. If nothing changes, end both relationsh­ips. It’ll free you to meet someone suited to you . . . and not attached. I’ve worked for 14 years, as law clerk, office manager and admin- istrator in a small firm owned by a senior lawyer.

There are also two female lawyers-in-training.

I’m mostly running the office as the owner’s often in court or teaching. He trusts me with money, accounts and office issues.

It’s been the best work environmen­t — until a new lawyer recently joined the firm.

He’s likeable in some ways, but profession­ally, I hate the kid. My boss asked how I felt about his hiring him. I was very clear.

I don’t like that he’s so disorganiz­ed, papers flying around everywhere. Files are disorganiz­ed.

The boss felt it can all be fixed, but nothing’s changed.

He gets the wrong informatio­n, and he does his own paper work that’s mostly all wrong. He spends hours on the phone speaking in his language.

Recently, I ended up with the biggest headache for two days. I have hypertensi­on, which is easily triggered.

When I tried to explain or clarify things, he doesn’t accept it. Whenever his mistakes come to light, the boss is pretty chill about it, as long as we can rectify the errors.

The other girls and I think that because he’s from the Middle East, he doesn’t have any respect for any of us ladies.

I’ve been thinking about looking for another job. But would I find as good a boss? I now drag myself to work. But I don’t know if the pay elsewhere would be as good, if the people elsewhere are going to be honest, nice and friendly, whether the boss would be cool. Scared of Change

Most people fear job changes somewhat.

But to stay in a work environmen­t you find upsetting and where you see no chance of improvemen­t, is self-defeating.

If you wait too long to leave, you’ll be job-seeking when less confident and energized for the move.

This new lawyer appears to bother you largely because he’s young, differs from your own office-style and has a different cultural background with attitudes you presume, but don’t know for sure.

All these feelings take away from the work environmen­t you once loved.

Meanwhile, your understand­ing boss is accepting this guy as competent and worth employing.

Exit with dignity before the situation gets unbearable and explosive. Tip of the day Cheating on a low-libido boyfriend for better sex with a now-married ex is a solution bound to implode. Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. Email or visit her website, ellieadvic­ Follow @ellieadvic­e.

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