Toronto Star

Genius says apocalypse is near, but that won’t distract us

As our doom draws near, within 100 years, we could be paying less attention to our PM’s socks

- Vinay Menon

I hope you’re hiding under the bed because Stephen Hawking has revised his doomsday clock and we are pretty much doomed.

Not that long ago, didn’t we have about 10,000 years to dodge catastroph­e? Or was it 100,000 years? It was definitely one of the two.

Then in November, I recall spitting out my Nicaraguan Fair Trade Organic Coffee when the theoretica­l physicist said, and I’m paraphrasi­ng, “We need to hatch an exit plan to get off Earth within 1,000 years. Please update your calendars.”

Sure. No problem. I’ve been meaning to move boxes out of my shed for five years, but hopefully my descendant­s can relocate to the moon in less time. You see where this is headed. And now? “Professor Stephen Hawking thinks the human species will have to populate a new planet within 100 years if it is to survive,” said the BBC in a statement that is either irresponsi­ble in its serenity or proof nothing rattles the British.

“With climate change, overdue asteroid strikes, epidemics and population growth, our own planet is increasing­ly precarious.”

So if you’re scoring at home, Hawking’s apocalypse date jumped forward by 900 years in six months.

At this rate, he will deliver a lecture in early October to say, “My bad. Pack your bags. We need to colonize Mars by Halloween.”

It’s amazing how we humans are so lost in the moment, so obsessed with our own small pictures that we don’t really pay heed to time. I fear our capacity for procrastin­ation will prove costly when the space escape is upon us and last-minute shoppers are delaying liftoff because they’re lined up for intergalac­tic underwear and zero-gravity snacks.

I’m sorry, 100 YEARS? Why is this not dominating the news? Wolf Blitzer’s oversized Ewok head should be filling up my LG flatscreen now as he gravely warns: “We are following breaking news as a renowned scientist says Earth will be uninhabita­ble by 2117. We’ll tell you what you need to know to survive.”

Instead, we have to wait until this summer for BBC’s science documentar­y, Stephen Hawking: Expedition New Earth.

This is nuts. If he’s already travelled this world to discover “cuttingedg­e research” in “astronomy, biology, rocket technology and human hibernatio­n” — for that last one, all he needed to do was come over on a Sunday morning and observe my wife — this data should be shared immediatel­y.

It took, what, more than 2,000 years to build the Great Wall of China? But we now have a century to skedaddle and traverse the Milky Way, a mass exodus that’s fraught with hitches, not the least of which are time and distance: “The good news is we’ve discovered a new planet that’s suitable for human life. That bad news is you’ll die of old age before we get 0.0001per cent of the way there.”

Why are our leaders not listening to Hawking’s accelerate­d warnings? Why are they treating him like a nerd in the corner of a dorm kegger who keeps meekly mumbling about how it’s probably not a good idea to light those shot glasses on fire?

Our politician­s should be devoting every resource to figuring out if our Countdown Clock is indeed calibrated to T minus 100 years.

Prime Minister Trudeau, instead of donning Star Wars socks to celebrate May the Fourth, shouldn’t you be forming a task force to determine how millions of Canadians in 2117 will triumph in global bidding wars and secure bungalows on Planet B when nobody can now afford a semi in Toronto and Vancouver?

Sir, peel C-3PO and R2-D2 off your pedicured feet. Put on your big-boy pants. If Hawking is right, our obsessions and tech trajectori­es are not only backwards — they’re pointless. Self-driving cars? Please. Next-level digital assistants? “Siri, what time is that overdue asteroid expected to obliterate my neighbourh­ood?”

The only upside to fixating on the present is that artificial intelligen­ce may reach a point where fleeing the planet becomes moot after robots learn to think, hold a robots-only vote and decide to slaughter us.

Hawking is the smartest man alive. I tried to read A Brief History of Time three times in high school and it was like trying to get through Ulysses as someone wallops you over the head with a Styrofoam bat.

His mind is operating on a different level, one that is often difficult to track deep into the cosmos.

But on our future here on Earth, his message is clear: escape or die.

“The journey shows that Prof. Hawking’s ambition isn’t as fantastica­l as it sounds — that science fact is closer to science fiction than we ever thought,” the BBC says.

Yes. But still not close enough for us to care.

 ?? MATT DUNHAM/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? Professor Stephen Hawking has revised his doomsday clock as he thinks the human species will have to populate another planet within 100 years.
MATT DUNHAM/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO Professor Stephen Hawking has revised his doomsday clock as he thinks the human species will have to populate another planet within 100 years.
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