Toronto Star

Name game for babies takes a villainous turn

Star Wars dark knight Kylo cracks top 1,000 boy names, Noah and Emma still popular


Apparently, parents think the Dark Side looks fun.

The name Kylo — as in the Star Warsvillai­n Kylo Ren — is now one of the top1,000 most popular names for boys in the United States, according to new data on baby names released Friday by the federal Social Security Administra­tion.

There were a total of 238 social security card applicants named Kylo born in 2016, making it the 901st most popular boy’s name for the year. It’s by far the boy’s name that has grown the fastest in popularity since 2015, when the year’s highestgro­ssing movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, introduced movie fans to Kylo Ren, who — spoiler alert — kills his dad with a lightsabre. Insert Freud joke here.

The most popular boy’s name in 2016, by contrast, was about as old and biblical as it gets: Noah. Of 3,929,560 applicatio­ns for social security cards for people born in 2016, a total of 19,015 — or nearly 1per cent of the boys — were for Noah, which has now occupied the top spot for four straight years.

Rounding out the top five most popular boys names are Liam, William, Mason and James.

The big story for girls is in the four names that dropped the furthest in popularity in 2016: Caitlin, Caitlyn, Katelynn and Kaitlynn. All four variations dropped out of the top 1,000.

The shift correspond­s with a landmark cultural event in 2015: former Olympian and reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner coming out as a transgende­r woman.

Jenner appeared on the cover of Vanity Fair and was the focus of widespread media coverage about transgende­r issues at a time when more and more U.S. politician­s began battling over whether to restrict transgende­r people’s use of public bathrooms.

A Quinnipiac poll from June 2015 showed that swing-state voters had deeply mixed or uncertain feelings about their attitudes toward Jenner.

That kind of unease can put off parents who might be thinking about giving a similar name to their new child, according to Jennifer Moss, the founder of, a website that provides assistance for parents trying to figure out how to name their kids.

“Baby names can be affected by pop culture, definitely. Other than family, pop culture has come out No. 2 for what influences baby naming,” said Moss, whose website has surveyed new parents about the struggles they face in naming children.

Moss recalled another example in the annals of baby-naming: the decline of “Monica” babies.

“The name Monica was on the rise in the ’90s because of the show Friends when it first came out,” said Moss, referring to the character of Monica Geller, played by Courteney Cox.

In 1997, Monica had risen to become the 79th most popular name for baby girls.

But in early 1998, news reports first identified White House intern Monica Lewinsky as having an affair with president Bill Clinton.

The name Monica turned into the punchline for a million raunchy jokes as a sensationa­l scandal unfolded.

“It just dropped off the chart after that,” Moss said. In 2016, Monica was the 589th most popular baby girl’s name.

The most popular girls’ names in 2016 were Emma — No.1for the third year in a row — followed by Olivia, Ava, Sophia and Isabella.

Emma and Olivia each accounted for about 1per cent of all baby girls in the U.S.

“The old-fashioned — kind of what they call the grandma names — are still in for girls,” Moss said.

 ??  ?? Variations of the name Caitlyn fell out of favour after Caitlyn Jenner came out as a transgende­r woman.
Variations of the name Caitlyn fell out of favour after Caitlyn Jenner came out as a transgende­r woman.

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