Toronto Star

Trump’s critics cry wolf

- Jaime Watt Jaime Watt is the executive chairman of Navigator Ltd. and a Conservati­ve strategist.

This time, it’s different.

I have argued in the past that many of U.S. President Donald Trump’s actions have not been as harmful or dramatic as some have made them out to be.

Many Americans and media pundits overreacte­d to the election of Trump, a man who, while considered offensive, ignorant and inflammato­ry by many, to a demographi­c of under-represente­d Americans who have for too long felt silenced has been a hero.

I have not agreed with most of his policy proposals or his actions, but it must be acknowledg­ed that Trump was elected with a mandate that he has relentless­ly, and often ruthlessly, carried out.

Many otherwise reasonable people have drawn unreasonab­le conclusion­s about many of Trump’s actions. Even innocuous and routine acts have been overblown by overwrough­t critics, who say he is an authoritar­ian ruler.

Critics decried the recall of politicall­y appointed ambassador­s. They howled when federal U.S. attorneys across the country were dismissed, to be replaced by new ones named by Trump. When Trump shamed big corporatio­ns for cutting jobs, he was assailed for interferin­g in the market and oversteppi­ng the appropriat­e bounds of the presidency.

But many of these things routinely occurred under former presidents of both parties. Voters become used to the whiplash: Trump does something that is decried as vastly inappropri­ate in the media, and then the action is revealed to be perfectly reasonable.

It’s a cycle that has lent itself to voter fatigue with the anti-Trump forces, as I wrote two weeks ago. But perhaps more importantl­y, it recalls the fable of the boy who cried wolf. The near-constant outcry over Trump’s actions has served to make the public deaf to actual infraction­s. This feeds into Trump’s bids to defend the indefensib­le.

But the firing of FBI Director James Comey is different. It is not business as usual in Washington, coming as it did amid the agency’s investigat­ion of Russian interventi­on in the presidenti­al election.

It is unconscion­able for a president to remove the person responsibl­e for investigat­ing him. The removal of Comey is a wilful subjugatio­n of the rules and processes that a democratic nation must support.

The 2016 election was a deeply flawed election in many ways. However, Trump defeated Hillary Clinton for a number of reasons — not only, or even mostly, due to Russian interventi­on. But any sensible observer would say that concern about Russia’s possible interferen­ce has risen to a point where it needs to be independen­tly investigat­ed and addressed. That investigat­ion has been both damaged and compromise­d by Trump’s actions last week.

The administra­tion’s justificat­ions for Comey’s firing don’t even begin to make sense: They range from blaming others who report to Trump, to pretending this is what Democrats wanted all along. What’s more, those justificat­ions change literally hour by hour.

It is clear that the firing was personally motivated and aimed at underminin­g the FBI investigat­ion. It is equally clear that the administra­tion did not have a plan, or any semblance of a strategy, in firing Comey.

As many have commented, the situation is startlingl­y similar to Richard Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre, where the soon-to-be-disgraced president oversaw the firing of a special prosecutor responsibl­e for investigat­ing his oversteppi­ng. Both the attorney general and deputy attorney general at the time resigned in protest of the move.

Nine months later, Nixon resigned in disgrace. We likely should not expect the same to happen today.

The little boy who cried wolf is back. The constant outcries against every action Trump has taken are coming back to haunt those who are desperate to protect America’s democratic institutio­ns. Simply put, many voters are tired of the critics’ accusation­s, exaggerati­ons and the melodrama that comes along with all of the sky is falling talk.

This latest developmen­t is indeed a clear-cut case of unacceptab­le, inappropri­ate presidenti­al wrongdoing. And yet, there is so little public trust in traditiona­l institutio­ns that voters have tuned their messages out. Polls agree.

A week before Comey was fired, just 31 per cent of Republican­s believed he should lose his job. Last week, despite the virtual unanimous criticism of Trump’s action, that number was up to 62 per cent.

It is hard not to feel pessimisti­c about the future of the democratic institutio­ns of the United States — and even harder to decide where to lay the blame.

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