Toronto Star

Photo captured sickening face of humanity


Re Tortured by the soldiers we call allies, May 26 Your front-page photo filled me with utter disgust and revulsion. Thanks to the noble job done in Abu Ghraib and the training provided by Americans to reduce themselves to the lowest of the low, we see a sickening face of humanity — and the inevitable PTSD in the returning soldiers. Mimi Khan, Toronto

I must express my horror at your decision to run the devastatin­g picture on your front page. I am traumatize­d. I am well aware that this is a reality in sectors of our world. And I despise this fact. However this graphic display does nothing to make it stop. This is now seared into my mind’s eye. And I feel even more helpless. Maureen Roy, Welland, Ont.

There are many very troubling things happening in the world right now, including the Manchester bombing, wars, famine, climate change and many other horrors. I find it reprehensi­ble that the Star would find it appropriat­e to put a large picture on the front page of a captured Iraqi being tortured. Has descriptiv­e writing gone completely out of style? Can your three journalist­s who gave us this story not adequately describe how the victim was hung with his arms behind him? Can we not imagine the pain and suffering sufficient­ly based on a well-written story, without having to see this picture with our breakfast? Tasteless, sensationa­list and more gutter press than what one would expect from Canada’s leading newspaper. Maurice Parker, North York

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