Toronto Star


Documents raise questions over new financing agency’s plan to help private investors


Documents suggest Liberal infrastruc­ture bank could protect investors over taxpayers,

OTTAWA— Federal investment­s doled out through the government’s new infrastruc­ture financing agency may be used to ensure a financial return to private investors if a project fails to generate enough revenues, documents show.

The revenues attached to projects financed through the soon-to-becreated infrastruc­ture bank are key to the government’s plan to leverage private capital to pay for public roads, bridges and transit systems.

What investors have recently been told — and what the finance minister was told late last year — is that if revenues fall short of estimates, federal investment­s through the bank would act as a revenue floor to help make a project commercial­ly viable.

That would be the case when the bank takes a subordinat­ed equity position, where the government buys ownership shares in a project, and would only be reimbursed after those higher up the equity ladder receive their repayments.

Experts say the wording in the documents suggests taxpayers will be asked to take on a bigger slice of the financial risk in a project to help private investors, a charge the government rejects.

Brook Simpson, a spokespers­on for Infrastruc­ture Minister Amarjeet Sohi, said the infrastruc­ture bank would only be liable for its own stake in a project and the possibilit­y of lower-than-expected revenues would be part of the risk private investors assume in financing a project.

The government plans to infuse the new institutio­n with $35 billion — $15 billion in cash, $20 billion equity and loans — hoping to pry three or four times that amount from the private sector for large-scale projects. But the projects have to generate revenue, meaning they would result in new toll roads or bridges where user fees finance the constructi­on costs.

Cheng Hoon Lim, the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund’s mission chief for Canada, said Wednesday that the government needs to give a risk-adjusted rate of returns to investors that reflects how much financial liability they are taking on.

“That’s the role that user fees play in this regard and I think that if the government can . . . at least explain the benefit of the Canada infrastruc­ture bank as an important component of Canada’s long-term growth, that could be a winning strategy.”

An October briefing note to Finance Minister Bill Morneau ahead of the fall economic update where the government unveiled the financial plan for the bank, said federal funding could be structured in such a way that the bank’s “return on investment will only materializ­e if defined institutio­nal investor revenue thresholds are met.”

“The infrastruc­ture bank could enter in the capital structure to bridge the gap between reasonable returns on investment for investors and the revenue generation capacity of specific infrastruc­ture projects,” reads the briefing note, obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Informatio­n Act.

Investors have heard a similar message in recent months: A presentati­on federal officials have provided to stakeholde­rs said that if revenues fall “far below expectatio­ns,” the government’s subordinat­ed equity position would act as a floor.

An expert on federal finances from Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy at the University of Ottawa said the government hasn’t been as clear publicly as it has been privately on the level of risk that would be transferre­d from the private investors to the public.

“Because the private investors get paid out first, that means the revenue risk for them is much lower than if the bank had an equal share of the risk,” said Randall Bartlett, chief economist at the institute.

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