Toronto Star

Feds redefine transparen­cy promise from 2015 election

Liberals decline to extend access to informatio­n law to PM, ministers’ offices


OTTAWA— The federal Liberals are breaking with the spirit of one of their promises to increase government transparen­cy and declining to extend the access to informatio­n system to cabinet ministers’ offices.

Instead, Treasury Board President Scott Brison said ministers’ offices, including the Prime Minister’s Office, will “proactivel­y disclose” certain informatio­n under new access to informatio­n rules. That redefines the Liberals’ 2015 election promise that they would extend existing access to informatio­n law to the ministers’ offices, allowing any Canadian to request documents for a $5 fee.

“Canadians should not have to go through a request-based system for informatio­n that should be proactivel­y disclosed,” Brison told reporters at a press conference Monday afternoon.

“We are strengthen­ing both proactive disclosure, expanding it across government, (and) investing to strengthen the request-based system. Both are important in a modern access-to-informatio­n regime.”

Instead of being able to access documents cabinet ministers would rather keep secret, Canadians will be allowed to request documents the government knows in advance will be made public.

But because the Liberals have added a new proactive disclosure section to the Access to Informatio­n Act, Brison claimed they were making good on their promise to “extend” the legislatio­n.

The Liberals are, however, making significan­t changes to the access-toinformat­ion regime — a 34-year-old system that has not been substantia­lly updated since most government business was conducted with pen and paper.

Most significan­tly, Brison is granting the system’s watchdog the power to compel government department­s to release informatio­n. Currently, in- formation commission­er Suzanne Legault’s office can only recommend a department or agency release documents. The change has long been sought by Legault, who is to leave the watchdog’s office later this year.

The Liberals’ proposal also calls for a review of the system every five years, in hopes that future government­s will not allow it to become as badly out of date as it currently is.

Theoretica­lly, a number of criticisms of the system not addressed by Brison’s bill could be handled by a future parliament­ary committee.

“These are important steps forward,” Brison said.

Access to informatio­n can be used by lawyers seeking records on behalf of their clients, researcher­s to unearth historical documents, citizens looking for informatio­n about government operations in their town and journalist­s poking their nose into the machinatio­ns of Ottawa.

“Canadians should not have to go through a request-based system for informatio­n that should be proactivel­y disclosed.” SCOTT BRISON TREASURY BOARD PRESIDENT

At least in theory. In practice, the system has been overwhelme­d by a dramatic increase in requests, is beset with delays and often spits out heavily censored documents.

According to Legault’s most recent report, requests have increased 81 per cent over the last five years, to 75,400 requests in 2015-16. Only 64 per cent of requests that year were completed within 30 days — less than that if you exclude Immigratio­n, Refugees and Citizenshi­p Canada, the largest recipient of requests. Access to informatio­n, according to Legault, has become a “shield against transparen­cy.”

Brison said the government will provide more training and resources for department­s to handle access to informatio­n requests and is committed to providing Legault’s office with more resources to handle a greater number of complaints and litigation.

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