Toronto Star



IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: This year you will be unusually quiet and centred. You often replay a situation, discussion or decision in your head over and over again. You also might opt to do some personal and/or volunteer work. If you are single, you easily could hook up with someone who is emotionall­y unavailabl­e. Get to know this person before deciding to commit. If you are attached, you and your sweetie will want to plan some getaways for just the two of you. Your bond will be enhanced as a result. Taurus understand­s you better than you would like!


You might want to consider taking a few days off. You could be concerned about your finances, but you are likely to fare better after refreshing your mind and body. A discussion might unnerve you, unless you are sure of yourself. Tonight: Examine your budget carefully.


Unexpected events will work in your favour if you remain open. Make a long-overdue call. Standing on ceremony won’t serve you well. You might wonder if you can achieve a long-term goal. You won’t know unless you try! Tonight: Purchase a new item for your wardrobe.


You might be able to bypass an issue through positive thinking. A friend surprises you, and you can’t help but respond. Deal with a problem directly. You have a mental versatilit­y that will help you. Consider what is happening with a loved one. Tonight: Be more understand­ing.


You have a strong drive that easily could become a short fuse if you don’t achieve the results you desire. A problem might emerge when you least expect it. Try not to react, though you might find masking your feelings nearly impossible. Tonight: Tap into your imaginatio­n.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

You’ll assume the lead, take charge and handle a problem. A situation could become upsetting if you are not careful. You have great ideas, but others might not like them or want to follow through on them. Listen to suggestion­s openly. Tonight: Out until the wee hours.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

Detach, and you will gain a new perspectiv­e. You will find this point of view enlighteni­ng. A friend could be challengin­g in that he or she is sure that he or she knows what is best for you to do. Be gracious. You feel inspired by a partner who often has wild ideas. Tonight: Surf the web.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)

One-on-one relating seems to dominate your time. A partner could be so unpredicta­ble that it might unnerve you. You still need to push hard to complete a work-related matter. Others seem to want to debate your actions. Listen and participat­e. Tonight: Make time for a special person.


Defer to others, and listen to their suggestion­s. A person at a distance could be shaking up the status quo. Your creativity helps you more often than not. A child knows how to get your attention and you don’t seem to mind his or her charming manipulati­on! Tonight: Say “yes.”


You might want to pursue a new hobby or activity that involves some form of exercise. Check in with a doctor before you make any changes that could affect your health. A loved one might be argumentat­ive, but he or she still supports you. Tonight: Make a favourite meal.


Your creativity seems limitless to a child or loved one. Where others see an obstacle, you see an opportunit­y. Brainstorm with a typically argumentat­ive associate. Together you will come up with even better ideas. Follow your sixth sense, and you will land well. Tonight: Relax.


Don’t allow anyone to take away your sense of well-being. Your imaginatio­n might be bigger than your chequebook, so you will need to use some self-discipline. Money seems to slip right through your fingers. Avoid making any major decisions right now. Tonight: Order in.


Speak your mind, and allow others to see your sensitivit­y. The unexpected might occur with your finances. You’ll have an opportunit­y to add some unusual ideas to a project. A loved one could be challengin­g if he or she doesn’t get what he or she wants. Tonight: Return calls first.

BORN TODAY: Actor Martin Landau (1928), singer-songwriter Lionel Richie (1949), actress Nicole Kidman (1967) jacqueline­

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