Toronto Star

Should cabs be exempt on King?

Taxi groups seek exclusion from proposed restrictio­ns


Mayor John Tory wants the city to give more considerat­ion to how taxi drivers will be affected by the King St. pilot project, after cab industry representa­tives argued that for-hire vehicles should be treated as a form of public transit.

The project, which would prioritize streetcar service while restrictin­g the movement of private cars on King, was endorsed by the mayor’s executive committee Monday. The project will go to council next month for final approval.

Roughly 65,000 people ride the TTC’s 504 King streetcar route every day, compared to about 20,000 drivers who use the street. City staff argue that giving priority to streetcars would allow more people to move through the downtown core more efficientl­y.

Under the pilot’s proposed design, drivers would be forced to turn right at the end of each major block, effectivel­y eliminatin­g through traffic on King. City staff predict the restrictio­ns will reduce car traffic on the street by about 50 per cent, freeing up space for streetcars.

But after hearing from representa­tives of taxi companies who complained they had not been adequately consulted on the plan, Tory moved a motion asking city staff to consult with the industry and consider exempting taxis from the proposed turning restrictio­ns, either completely or during certain times of day. The motion, which the committee approved, also asked staff to consider adding additional spaces for cab stands “or other measures to assist taxis.”

Explaining his motion, the mayor said that while he believed the city’s consultati­on process had been “extensive,” there are “some improvemen­ts we can certainly make.” He said he wanted to make sure the taxi industry’s concerns were addressed.

Earlier, Kristine Hubbard, operations manager for Beck Taxi, told the committee that cabs should be treated like streetcars and should be allowed to pass through intersecti­ons instead of being forced to turn at the end of blocks. “I do think we are part of the public transit system. I’ve always said that. Whenever the subway or streetcar or whatever goes down, we are getting the troops together to head down and help move people,” Hubbard said.

The city’s chief planner, Jennifer Keesmaat, disagreed. She said giving taxis the same considerat­ion as transit vehicles would undermine the pilot. City staff estimate that between one-quarter and one-third of the cars on King are taxis.

“Taxis are not public transit. They don’t even carry remotely the volume of people we carry on public transit. They’re not at the price point of public transit. Are they an important part of the movement system in the city? Yes. But are they public transit? Absolutely not,” Keesmaat said.

Asked whether the fact that the city was considerin­g treating cabs like transit vehicles was a sign that Toronto is reluctant to take bold moves to improve transporta­tion, she replied: “I think we’re getting stuck in some old thinking.”

The pilot is estimated to cost about $1.5 million. If approved by council, it will be implemente­d in the fall and last for at least a year.

 ??  ?? Kristine Hubbard, of Beck Taxi, says she believes cabs are “part of the public transit system.”
Kristine Hubbard, of Beck Taxi, says she believes cabs are “part of the public transit system.”

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