Toronto Star

Trump has made breaching norms normal

Critics worry U.S. president is increasing­ly operating from an ‘authoritar­ian playbook’


WASHINGTON— On Monday morning, the president of the United States urged his attorney general to investigat­e his election opponent.

It was a remarkable breach of democratic norms. It barely made news.

Donald Trump has spent so long attacking the institutio­ns and traditions underpinni­ng America’s political system that some of his new attacks no longer receive widespread attention. But they are increasing in frequency and gravity, renewing concerns about what scholars call democratic backslidin­g.

Trump’s tweeted advice Monday to Attorney General Jeff Sessions — “So why aren’t the Committees and investigat­ors, and of course our beleaguere­d A.G., looking into Crooked Hillarys (sic) crimes & Russia relations?” — was only the latest part of a wide-ranging recent effort to undermine the people and entities he perceives as threats.

Sessions. Special counsel Robert Mueller. The Congressio­nal Budget Office. The electoral system. The news media. All have been disparaged by the president over the past seven days.

Trump’s critics warn of a pressing threat to the rule of law. Matthew Miller, chief spokespers­on’s for the Department of Justice during the Obama administra­tion, said he sees a worrisome public complacenc­y about Trump acts that he believes are reminiscen­t of a “banana republic” strongman.

“The president has done so many things that crossed the red line with respect to the rule of law that people just get kind of used to it,” Miller said, invoking the tale of the frog who does not notice he is being boiled to death in gradually warming water.

“Firing the FBI director (James Comey), attacking the AG because he recused himself as he was required to do by the rules, openly speculatin­g about prosecutin­g your political opponent — these are all the types of things that are dangerous warning signs,” Miller said.

Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a New York University professor who studies authoritar­ianism, said Trump is operating from an “authoritar­ian playbook.” She said she fears he will pay even less heed to democratic traditions if he faces a deeper crisis.

“It’s very alarming, because he’s escalating all of the things he’s been doing,” she said. “And what unites all these manoeuvres is his back is increasing­ly against the wall.”

Perhaps Trump’s most serious threat in the past week was to Mueller, who is probing any links between Trump’s campaign and the Russian government.

In a New York Times interview last week, Trump alleged that Mueller was compromise­d by “conflicts,” and he warned the respected former FBI director not to probe the Trump family’s financial dealings unrelated to Russia. Trump also complained that Sessions had recused himself from the Russia probe, thus allowing the deputy attorney general to hire the special counsel.

The pair of remarks led to a new round of speculatio­n that Trump would find a way to fire Mueller.

Such a move would trigger a Washington “cataclysm,” Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer told ABC, and represent a severe breach of the rule of law.

Sources told The Associated Press on Monday night that Trump had spoken with advisers about terminatin­g Sessions, which would make it easier to fire Mueller.

House Speaker Paul Ryan defended Mueller on Monday, saying the former George W. Bush appointee is “a Republican who was appointed by a Republican.” Other Republican­s have warned Trump against a firing, with homeland security committee chairperso­n Michael McCaul promising a “tremendous backlash.”

On Saturday, Trump floated the possibilit­y of another way to avoid accountabi­lity: issuing pre-emptive pardons of himself and his aides. He tweeted: “While all agree the U.S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us. FAKE NEWS.”

There is not, in fact, a consensus that the president has the power to pardon himself.

Trump made at least four other mentions of “fake news” over the course of the week. The media, though, was not the only independen­t source of informatio­n to draw his ire. His administra­tion continued assailing the non-partisan Congressio­nal Budget Office, saying in a White House tweet Thursday that its conclusion­s on health care “simply can’t be trusted.”

The day prior, Trump stopped by a meeting of a voter fraud commission launched as a result of his false claim that millions of people voted illegally in 2016. Once again, he claimed, baselessly, that the election was compromise­d — saying people “saw” irregulari­ties “having to do with very large numbers of people in certain states.”

“What he’s doing with the media gets the most attention, but it’s a larger strategy,” Ben-Ghiat said. “This is at the core of this authoritar­ian playbook, where you sow the seeds of uncertaint­y around everything to build the idea that you can’t know the truth.”

Trump raised eyebrows again on Saturday with an unusual public suggestion that Republican lawmakers owe him fealty.

“It’s very sad that Republican­s, even some that were carried over the line on my back, do very little to protect their President,” he tweeted.

“He sees ‘loyalty’ as a personal matter — not to American institutio­ns, rule of law, the Constituti­on and traditions,” Robert Zoellick, the former World Bank chief and senior official in both Bush administra­tions, told CNBC.

Trump did announce that he was giving up one particular attempt to convince people to question the truth.

For the entirety of his campaign, Trump called the low U.S. unemployme­nt rate a hoax. He said Wednesday that he has changed his mind.

“I said for a long time, they don’t matter. But now I accept those numbers very proudly,” he said.

“I say they do matter.”

 ?? BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Donald Trump’s attacks on the institutio­ns underpinni­ng U.S. democracy have grown more frequent.
BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Donald Trump’s attacks on the institutio­ns underpinni­ng U.S. democracy have grown more frequent.

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