Toronto Star


A great movie might not exist but for the Nazis’ crucial strategic mistake,

- JAMES GIBNEY BLOOMBERG James Gibney writes editorials on internatio­nal affairs for Bloomberg View. He was a foreign service officer and a speech writer for former U.S. president Bill Clinton.

“German commanders worked at cross-purposes with one another.” ROBERT CITINO

Christophe­r Nolan’s Dunkirk is lighting up the box office, with star turns by Mark Rylance and Kenneth Branagh. One set of characters remains largely offstage, however: the Germans, who appear almost entirely in the form of faceless bullets, torpedoes and bombs.

Yet without the initial German decision to hold back from launching an armoured assault on the beachhead, the Second World War might have taken a very different course. The battered British and French troops would have been hard-pressed to turn back any such attack. In its absence, though, more than 330,000 allied soldiers were pulled off the beaches — nearly 10 times the number that the British initially hoped to evacuate. Via email, I asked Robert Citino, the author of The German Way of War: From the Thirty Years War to the Third Reich and The Wehrmacht Retreats: Fighting a Lost War, 1943, among others, and the Samuel Zemurray Stone senior historian at the National World War II Museum in New Orleans, to shed some light on the Wehrmacht’s behaviour.

Is there a consensus among historians about why the German military halted outside Dunkirk on May 24?

No, and there never will be. The entire operationa­l sequence is too complex, even convoluted, and it doesn’t help that Adolf Hitler and the Germans themselves were all over the map in explaining it: bad terrain, a desire to let the Luftwaffe alone smash the beachhead, a desire to spare the Panzers, Hitler’s desire to cut a deal with the “Aryan” British (this last one is utter nonsense). Both during and after the war, the Germans threw up so much chaff on this question that sorting it out is nearly impossible.

What do you see as the most critical factor?

Remember, Hitler’s May 24 Haltbefehl (“stop order”) did not stop the Panzers from attacking the Dunkirk beachhead. They were already stopped by virtue of a “close-up order” from the commander of the Panzer Group, General Ewald von Kleist, on May 23. Kleist’s Panzers were badly strung out and worn down as a result of the high-speed chase across northern France. Some of the other army commanders wanted to keep moving forward. The Army Group commander, General Gerd von Rundstedt, backed Kleist, while the chief of staff, general Franz Halder, disagreed with Rundstedt, and actually took the Panzer Group out from under his command. It was a mess of the worst sort! When Hitler flew to the front on May 24, it seemed as if the commander he respected the most, Rundstedt, was being sidelined. It also seemed (and this was actually true) that decisions of the highest order were being taken by commanders without looping in Hitler at all — and that was something the Fuhrer was determined to stop. That was the origins of the May 24 “halt order” — an attempt by Hitler to reassert his control over events at the front.

A few days later, Hitler rescinded his decision. What had changed to precipitat­e that?

Two days later (May 26), Hitler had made his point. He was being urged by many of his commanders to let them go ahead. Once again, he was at the focal point of command. The infantry divisions — ordinary foot soldiers with horsedrawn transport, a lesser version of their fathers in the First World War — were making no headway at all against British defences that had been sketchy a week earlier but were now coalescing. Luftwaffe bombers, despite the boasting of their chief Hermann Goering, were getting shot out of the sky by British RAF fighters. The air, I feel, was decisive. German bombers had a long run into the fight, flying from improvised airfields; the RAF was hopping over the Channel in many cases — a much shorter approach a lot closer to their bases.

How important was the weather to the failure of the Luftwaffe to fulfil Goering’s plan to destroy the BEF from the air? Or was Goering merely suffering from what Norman Ohler, in his book Blitzed: Drugs

in the Third Reich, describes as an opium delusion when he made that pledge?

Certainly the inclement weather hurt the Luftwaffe during the British evacuation, but that is just another sign of how badly weakened and overtaxed the Luftwaffe was by this point. And Goering didn’t need drugs to make foolish promises or boasts. He’d been like that for a long time. I found Norman Ohler’s book to be fascinatin­g, but I don’t think drugs — or the weather — explain Dunkirk.

As you’ve pointed out, Hitler’s former generals wrote postwar accounts that exculpated their own decision-making. But in the immediate aftermath, did the German high command recognize Dunkirk for the missed opportunit­y it was?

They recognized it within days — indeed, while it was happening. Then many of them wrote their memoirs or sat for interviews in which they blamed Hitler for the whole thing. Rundstedt and Kleist were particular­ly egregious in their revisionis­m. Yet at the time, both men thought their depleted Panzer forces needed rest and replenishm­ent. Hitler was ultimately responsibl­e, of course, but not solely.

What does the German decision to halt at Dunkirk tell us about what you’ve called “the curious command hierarchy and decision-making mechanisms of the Third Reich”?

Many students of the (Second World War) still hold to a myth of German efficiency, the notion that the Wehrmacht command was infallible. The Germans had a tradition of allowing commanders a great deal of latitude while on campaign, allowing them to seize opportunit­ies that might otherwise be lost. That tradition was responsibl­e for a great deal of their success. But often, German commanders worked at cross-purposes with one another, requiring a strong hand on the rudder, if you will. Virtually every “blunder” attributed to Hitler originated in a conflict within the German officer corps that only Hitler had the authority to sort out.

You’ve just seen the movie. What did you think?

It’s impressive. Dunkirk makes points about the human experience of war — the almost anonymous and randomized killing, the chaos, the confusion — but it also makes a far more directed point about the nature of modern war, the interplay of air/sea/land. And, as a German military historian, I would say that the movie provides the best treatment of a Stuka (dive bomber) attack circa. 1940 that I have ever seen.

 ??  ??
 ?? WARNER BROS. PICTURES VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? In the film, a British soldier nervously keeps an eye on the skies for German fighters and dive bombers as he waits to be evacuated from Dunkirk.
WARNER BROS. PICTURES VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS In the film, a British soldier nervously keeps an eye on the skies for German fighters and dive bombers as he waits to be evacuated from Dunkirk.
 ?? MELINDA SUE GORDON/WARNER BROS. PICTURES VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Kenneth Branagh stars as a naval officer in Dunkirk. The rescue of Britain’s army in 1940 relied on a mixture of guts and good luck.
MELINDA SUE GORDON/WARNER BROS. PICTURES VIA THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Kenneth Branagh stars as a naval officer in Dunkirk. The rescue of Britain’s army in 1940 relied on a mixture of guts and good luck.

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