Toronto Star

How do we control misbehavin­g puppy?

- Yvette Van Veen Yvette Van Veen is an animal behaviour consultant and Canada’s 1st Tested and Certified PCT-A. Write her at advice@awesomedog­

Our new puppy chews our furniture, digs in the yard, barks at us for attention and runs off with valuables such as our shoes. It certainly is not what we expected with a Golden. She is walked each day and gets plenty of exercise. When she misbehaves, we redirect her to an appropriat­e toy or activity. How can we teach her to stop misbehavin­g?

Family friendly breed or not, a puppy is a puppy. The majority engage in all sorts of obnoxious behaviours. Puppies are not like Lassie lying by the fire. Coppertone portrays a more realistic version in their advertisin­g that shows a puppy causing havoc.

Families with dog experience expect misbehavio­ur. They proactivel­y address it. Strategic planning and a bit of work pays off for the years to come. Problems are anticipate­d and addressed through a variety of strategies ranging from management, supervisio­n through to training.

Redirectin­g, on the other hand, is reactive. It happens after the dog misbehaves. It’s like repeatedly giving a toy to a child when they stick a fork into an electrical socket. The error of this strategy is clear. We do not want the child sticking things in electrical sockets in the first place. Any reasonable person would safety proof the home. They would use schedules and activities to prevent problems and create good habits.

Puppy raising is really not much different. Puppy proof the house. Where possible, put forbidden objects out of the way. Don’t let puppies develop a taste for shoes.

Create a schedule. Direct puppies to activities before misbehavio­ur begins. There is a time for play and a time to do some obedience. There is also a time to take a nap or chew a bone.

Supervise diligently. Reward the behaviours that you like. People are typically relieved when their puppy is chewing a bone. They tiptoe about so as not to interrupt the rare peaceful moment. Pets learn that chewing appropriat­e objects results in being ignored. Unfortunat­ely, through trial and error, those same dogs also learn that misbehavio­ur is a sure way to get attention, new toys or new bones. Offer calm praise and a treat while the puppy is chewing or playing appropriat­ely. At first, this might interrupt them. With time, they’ll learn that they can accept the treat and return to independen­t activities.

Do not assume that buying a family-friendly breed or cross breed will avoid the chaos that comes with having a puppy. Every puppy born is a dog. They will behave like dogs unless taught otherwise. Sign up for quality puppy and obedience classes. It’s the way we teach a dog how to meet our human expectatio­ns.

Our dog sits at the door before going outside. Once I open the door, he bolts. This is fine going into the yard. It’s unpleasant when we go for walks as he often pulls on the leash. Can I teach him to walk out the door instead of charging?

Most people know to teach their dog to sit before going outside.

Doors have two sides. There are times when it’s beneficial for pets to wait on the backside of a door too. It can allow us to easily lock the door. Dogs that pause after exiting car doors are less likely to lunge into traffic. They are easier to control when entering buildings such as veterinary clinics.

Teach the dog to look at you. Then, drill and practise this skill every time you pass through a door. Generally it is much easier to create a consistent rule that applies to all doors, including the yard.

 ??  ?? Puppy raising can be like raising a child. Make sure to puppy proof the house and, where possible, put forbidden objects out of the way.
Puppy raising can be like raising a child. Make sure to puppy proof the house and, where possible, put forbidden objects out of the way.
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