Toronto Star

Does drug decriminal­ization save lives?


Re Think twice before decriminal­izing drugs,

DiManno, Aug. 7 Citing Portugal’s experience, Rosie DiManno recently argued that decriminal­izing drugs isn’t a solution to dealing with the opioid overdose crisis in Canada.

This is not rooted in fact. Our current crisis stems from a deadly, illegal drug supply.

If Canada decriminal­ized drugs and created a legal, regulated supply, fewer people would die.

After Portugal decriminal­ized drug use in 2001, there was a remarkable increase in uptake of treatment, and drug-caused deaths and HIV infection from injection drug use plummeted.

While drug violence may have persisted, studies show this will always be the case wherever there is a market for illegal drugs. Decriminal­izing and legalizing drugs are necessary if we are to meaningful­ly address drug-market violence.

Treating drug use as a health issue — rather than a criminal one — would also reduce the stigma and discrimina­tion faced by people who use drugs. It’s a shame DiManno perpetuate­s this stigma by referring to them as “junkies.”

Indisputab­ly, the “war on drugs” has failed. Canada must move to decriminal­ize drugs and ditch the disastrous “frayed leash” of illegality. Lives depend on it. Sandra Ka Hon Chu, director of research and advocacy, Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Toronto

Thank you, Rosie DiManno, for reminding us that decriminal­ization of marijuana is simply another step in the dumbing down of Canadians. Sadly, you are a voice crying in the wilderness.

As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Health Minister Jane Philpott tout the upcoming legalizati­on of marijuana, our young people are descending down the slippery slope to even more harmful substances.

Our leaders appear to give little considerat­ion to how acceptance of drug use is the underlying message our youth receive from decriminal­ization. Catharina Summers, Kingston

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