Toronto Star



Sold Below Asking? The Canadian Real Estate Associatio­n releases its latest monthly home sales data on Tuesday. In June, home sales posted their largest monthly drop in seven years, brought down by plummeting activity in the Greater Toronto Area.

Talking Beef: Members of Canada's beef cattle sector will get together beginning Tuesday in Calgary for an annual three-day conference. The supply chain and new technology are among the issues that will be discussed, but overshadow­ing all of that will be trade. Read on.

Round One: To hear U.S. President Donald Trump tell it, NAFTA is "the worst trade deal maybe ever signed anywhere." Or maybe it just needs a "tweaking." We should get a better idea of where the goal posts lie when the first round of talks to renegotiat­e the 23-year-old trade pact start Wednesday in Washington.

The Price We Pay: Inflation has been crawling further away from the Bank of Canada's target of two per cent. That may give the central bank pause before pulling the trigger on another interest rate hike. On Friday, Statistics Canada will release the latest consumer price index figures. The annual pace of inflation was one per cent in June.

Sabre Rattling: Hovering in the background of all of this is the escalating standoff between the U.S. and North Korea. The leaders of both countries have exchanged threats of military action and that has reverberat­ed on the global markets.

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