Toronto Star

Park curb no longer a step too high


The path from a parking lot into a busy park is a lot more accessible now that a curb in between has been cut down to size.

On July 13, we reported that a curb at the main entrance from the parking lot at Port Union Village Common Park was an obstacle to people who use wheelchair­s or motorized scooters, or even parents pushing strollers.

The curb did not adhere to the city’s accessibil­ity guidelines, which call for curbs at corners and gateway entrances to be flush with the surroundin­g pavement.

Goran Mitrevski, who recently became parks manager in the Scarboroug­h district, said he’d make sure the curb would be cut down to size, to bring it into compliance.

Within a couple weeks of our column, we got a note from the same reader who first told us about it, thanking us for persuading the parks department to fix the curb.

Our July 3 column was about a utility cut that extended all the way across the sidewalk on the south side of D’Arcy St., leaving pedestrian­s who didn’t want to walk through the mud that filled it with few options.

The sunken dirt filling the hole in the sidewalk was often so muddy, due to the relentless rain this year, that cardboard had been laid across it to make the trek a bit less messy.

Toronto’s transporta­tion services department said the hole would temporaril­y be filled with asphalt until the utility responsibl­e for digging it was identified and held responsibl­e.

Shortly after, we got a note from the department saying the hole had been filled with asphalt until permanent repairs are completed. What’s broken in your neighbourh­ood? Wherever you are in Greater Toronto, we want to know. Send an email to Report problems and follow us on Twitter @TOStarFixe­r.

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