Toronto Star

In praise of the side hustle

Working outside of your day job doesn’t just help you financiall­y, it can be a confidence-booster

- Neil Pasricha

Strange ride.

That’s what I remember thinking as I walked into work one day at Walmart head office and noticed a car parked in the employee lot with big stickers pasted down the side advertisin­g wedding DJ services.

It was a few months before I met the wedding DJ face-to-face. We were in a meeting together and it somehow came up that he DJed on the side. “Wait, is that your blue van?” I asked him. “Yeah, I DJ weddings a couple nights a week. Amazing extra income.”

I couldn’t believe it. Somehow it felt like a violation of the invisible social contract at work. I mean, wasn’t he getting paid for a full-time job? This guy wasn’t stretching to make ends meet by adding a graveyard shift at Taco Bell. He was in middle management making a good chunk of change. So why was he playing “Rump Shaker” at 1:30 a.m. in a banquet hall?

A few years later, my blog 1000 Awesome Things suddenly took off. I was coming home after work writing about knowing your remote control so well you don’t need to look at the buttons and the feeling of peeling a large blanket of lint off the dryer trap when the traffic started spiking.

Within months, I had a book royalties and people calling me up to speak at their conference­s. I suddenly had a couple more income streams on top of my full-time job. What happened? Here’s the important point. Although it felt uncomforta­ble at first, I soon noticed that I was seeking more risk and becoming more confident in both worlds.

At Walmart, I started speaking truth to power a little more often. Asking leaders questions during town-hall meetings. Making more aggressive recommenda­tions on project teams. Speaking my mind in meetings. I had a backup writing career now, so I felt I could afford to take more risk. And what happens when you start doing things? They promote you.

What about my writing? I felt more risk-seeking there, too. A lot of terrible posts about my digestive system can confirm this if you’re curious. The point was I had a full-time job at Walmart. I had a day job. So I had a fallback plan if the blog, book and speaking all fell apart. So I wrote what I wanted to write. I took risks.

So the side hustle doesn’t just help financiall­y. It’s a psychologi­cal and confidence booster, too.

New York Times bestsellin­g author Chris Guillebeau has a great podcast called Side Hustle School where every day he features a short interview with somebody starting a side hustle. It’s a fascinatin­g show. A guy wrote detailed reviews of aquariums on a website and still collects affiliate sales cheques. A kid buys and sells autographe­d baseballs for thousands of dollars. And, of course, there are wedding DJs.

The blue van guy was right all those years ago.

Think of your income streams like legs on a table.

Do you know those tall wobbly cocktail tables they have in the bar under the sea of flat-screen TVs? Those things only have one leg. Your tipsy friend in a buffalo-sauce stained T-shirt bumps into it with his pot belly and the table falls over.

What about a table with two legs, three legs or four legs? I’m guessing your kitchen table doesn’t fall over too often. There’s a lot more holding it up. When you create extra income streams you aren’t as reliant on any single one . . . so you never feel as “all in” as people who only have one stream coming in.

We all have 168 hours in a week. Most full time jobs are contracted for around 40. I’m not telling you to spend all your evenings and weekends DJing weddings. I’m just saying: Could you have a side hustle?

It’s worth asking if you’re fully allowing your natural loves and passions the breathing space to possibly to expand into extra income . . . because if you do, you may gain the confidence to do everything a little bit better, too. Neil Pasricha is the New York Times bestsellin­g author of The Book of Awesome and The Happiness Equation. His bi-weekly column helps us live a good life. Watch his new TED Talk at

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? A side hustle such as providing wedding DJ services can create a second income stream and build your confidence in everything you do, Neil Pasricha writes.
DREAMSTIME A side hustle such as providing wedding DJ services can create a second income stream and build your confidence in everything you do, Neil Pasricha writes.
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