Toronto Star


- By Linda Besner

Coach House, 80 pages, $18.95 Reading Montreal poet Linda Besner’s second collection, Feel Happier in Nine Seconds, is an adventure, one that’s sometimes bracing and sometimes bewilderin­g. The poems here are crammed with brilliant wordplay and startling metaphors, such as in the wonderful title poem, inspired by an ad’s glib catchphras­e, which puts a subversive spin on the idea of personal happiness: “I learned the secret of serenity/by waterboard­ing daffodils/My Buddha is landfill. My mantra choked /from a bluebird’s neck.” Her basic style is rapid-fire delivery of inventive imagery and challengin­g associativ­e leaps.

In the section “Magnetic Variations on One and Six,” the organizing principle is based on linking colours with particular letters of the alphabet. Elsewhere, she writes of “thought experiment­s/to the whimsical tune/ of the scientific mood.” It’s an apt descriptio­n of Besner’s own work, except that her idiosyncra­tic “thought experiment­s” encompass not only science, but also pop culture, art and current affairs.

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