Toronto Star


- Jack Batten’s Whodunit column appears every other week.

WHIPPED By William Deverell ECW, 392 pages, $28.95

At one moment in the seventh book in William Deverell’s smart, funny and cleverly plotted series featuring the ace barrister Arthur Beauchamp, Beauchamp says that, especially now in virtual retirement, he experience­d “a feeling of being fully alive again” only when he walked into a courtroom.

That sentiment somewhat applies to readers as well; they too come most alert in the passages when Beauchamp shows his wonderful forensic style before judge and jury.

All of this makes Whipped an exception in the series. Beauchamp’s client is his wife, Margaret Blake, MP and national leader of the Green Party, who is sued for slander by an odious Conservati­ve cabinet minister.

Lively and racy as the case is, it provides Beauchamp not nearly as much chance as usual to work his courtroom sleight of hand, apart, that is, from a dazzling piece of examinatio­n for discovery of the slimy Tory.

But, no matter, the rest of the narrative back home on Garibaldi Island packs more than the usual volume of rustically comic incidents involving all the usual nutty characters with a few extras thrown into the mix for very good measure.

IDYLL FEARS By Stephanie Gayle Seventh Street, 321 pages, $15.95

You can’t blame Tom Lynch for feeling cranky, an emotion that frequently roils him.

The year is 1997, and Lynch is the police chief in the Connecticu­t town of Idyll.

He also happens to be gay, something the town rarely lets him forget.

Bigots spray-paint his car with sexual slurs. His own cops seem edgy in his company.

Even well-meaning citizens seem fascinated only by his homosexual­ity. “I don’t mind being gay,” Lynch says. “But I do get tired of everybody else honing in on it.”

Lynch arrived at the Idyll job from his native New York where he worked for the NYPD. Now he brings his big-city detecting smarts to the small town where, it turns out, he needs them to solve a fiendishly elusive crime.

The nasty stuff centres on a little boy with a rare disease who has apparently been kidnapped. The case, trickily structured by author Stephanie Gayle, presents an involving adventure for the readers, and places front and centre an attractive central character in the person of the beleaguere­d gay police chief.

KEEP HER SAFE By Sophie Hannah Morrow, 352 pages, $33.50

In this eccentric though appealing book, a wife and mother from rural Hertfordsh­ire takes a holiday from her family at a very highend Arizona resort.

Once there, she spots a teenage girl who was supposed to have been murdered a decade earlier. The girl’s parents are serving time for the killing but have always claimed their innocence.

The Hertfordsh­ire visitor sets out to solve the mystery, but she turns out not to be the book’s sole sleuth figure.

A loud-mouthed Nancy Grace-type TV personalit­y has made the case her own particular crusade, and another guest at the resort, a real nosey parker, also inserts herself into the investigat­ion. All of this makes for often amusing and always complex story-telling of a pleasantly bizarre sort.

FRIEND REQUEST By Laura Marshall Grand Central, 375 pages, $22.99

What happens over the long-term when teenage rivalries turn nasty and stay that way into adulthood?

This is the question at the centre of Laura Marshall’s well-developed first novel.

The book alternates between two time periods: 1989 when the popular teenagers (mostly girls) in a Norwich community get particular­ly mean to the classmates who don’t measure up, and 2016 when the same characters encounter one another at a class reunion.

Death enters into the mix — murder perhaps? — but what Marshall is particular­ly adept at is concocting mysteries that are convincing enough to keep the reader involved and puzzled until the book’s climax.

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